"i can't be with a liar."

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One shot requested by @lollypop2209 . hope you enjoy it.

"You kissed him Rydel! You can't deny it! We all saw! I saw." Ellington yelled at his now ex girlfriend angrily. He was sick and tired of her trying to hide everything from him.

"I didn't kiss him, Ell! He's just a friend. You're the one I love. Don't you know that?" She tried to play the sympathy card, placing her hand on his cheek and for a second he looked into her eyes as if it was working but he broke the connection between their eyes.

"I can't be with a liar." He simply stated, grabbing his bag and walking out of the door. Rydel watched him go before collapsing on the couch and sobbing into one of the pillows.

They had never fought like this ever before and as a result of it, he was actually gone.

Rydel's eyes widened when she saw the pregnancy test she held in front of her that read positive. She couldn't actually believe what she was seeing. She thought back to the night with Ellington in the back of his car. Things had gone further than they had both expected and in the heat of the moment they seemed to forget everything... including protection.

But that had been Three weeks ago. It had been two weeks since Ellington had broken up with her and she hadn't heard from him since. Even now his last words to her still rang around in his head.

"I can't be with a liar."

She hadn't lied and she hadn't cheated and that was the part that hurt the most.

She glanced at her phone and sighed. She knew she had to call him. She knew he had the right to know that he was going to have a baby.

She picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she came across the one that said "Ellington" before hitting call and holding her breath.

It rang three times before Ellington picked up. She didn't already feel sweat forming on her forehead.

"E-ellington w-we need to t-talk." She managed to stutter, nerves and nausea flooding over her.

"I completely agree. I'm just on my way over to your place now. I'm on my skateboard so I'll be there in like two minutes, is that okay?" He asked her sounding a whole lot more calm than she had expected him to.

She looked down at her hello kitty pjs that she hadnt changed out of even though it was late in the afternoon and the pregnancy test she still held in her other hand. "Yeah, I'll see you in two minutes..."

And before she could say anything else, he hung up.

Leaping up from where she had been sat on the bathroom floor and running into room, she changed as fast as should could, pulling on ripped skinny jeans and one of her favourite t-shirts.

She sprinted down the stairs and jumped onto the couch, turning on the tv and grabbing a magazine at the exact same second Ellington entered, holding his skateboard in his hand. She hadn't realised that it was upside down and pretended to read it as he walked over, standing in front of her. He folded his arms and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Whatcha reading?" He asked her, rocking back and forth of his feet a little.

"Magazine." She mumbled, glancing up at him.

"Upside down?" He questioned, trying to pull it out of her hands. She was hiding the test behind it and when she realised that, she held onto it tighter.

"Just..let...go.." He grunted, trying to pull it out of her hands but she refused to let go of it. Before she knew it, it had torn into shreds.

Rydel looked alarmed as she was no longer holding the pregnancy test.

He was.

She tried to swipe it from his hands but it was no use. He held onto it very tightly, staring at it in disbelief and shock.

"Rydel are you-" he asked her, not taking his eyes off the "+" sign on the little screen meaning it was positive.

Giving up, she sighed and nodded. She held her hands in front of her face and her stomach to protect them in case he swung out at her.

But he didn't.

He perched on the edge of the couch next to her and rested his hand on her thigh. Gently, he moved her hand from her face and intertwined his fingers with her's. She looked at him, shocked about how he had reacted. She didn't expect that at all.

"So are you going to keep the baby?" He asked her, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand gently.

"I-i don't know. I don't really want to be a single mother but I don't want to get rid of it either." Rydel whispered, looking at him.

"I can be the father."

"But you said-"

"I was wrong Rydel. You'd never cheat on me. I know you wouldn't. I was scared because I wanted to propose to you but then this rumour of you kissing someone else started and I panicked-" Ellington rambled, clearly embarrassed and stressed.

"You were going to propose to me?" Rydel stopped him, squeezing his hand gently.

Ellington reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful silver wedding ring that had a diamond in the middle at the top. It looked expensive and precious. "Only the best for my love..."

"Oh Ellington." She breathed, tears of joy forming in her eyes. "It's beautiful."

"Rydel Mary Lynch. Will you please make me the happiest man child alive and marry me?" He asked her.

She giggled through the tears and nodded her head violently, allowing him to slip the ring on her finger.

"Ellington Lee Ratliff, will you make me the happiest woman alive and be the father to my baby?" She asked him, laughing a bit.

He pretended to get emotional. "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, yes Rydel, yes! I thought you'd never ask!" He celebrated cheekily.

"Gosh your adorable." She laughed at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He giggled and kissed her lips softly, placing his hands on her waist.

"Mrs Ratliff, eh? Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

Rydellington Imagines/One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now