Chapter 3 :)

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Drew's POV:

I can't believe Taylor let's Nathan do this to her. Their not right for each other at all. She's just way too starstruck to see it.

Me and Taylor had some classes together. We walked into first period, Survival, together and sat down. Unfortunately, Nathan sat right next to her while my seat was a few seats in front of her.

"Nathan, I'm sorry babe. Do you forgive me?" I heard Taylor say  to him. Why the hell is she the one apoligizing?

"Just don't do it again." Nathan huffed. I balled my hands into fists trying to stop myself from punching the daylight out of this douche bag.

"Hey sexy." my girlfriend Natasha said walking over to me. Natasha was beautiful. She had long light brown hair with hazel eyes. Her skin was sun-kissed.

"Hey beautiful. What are you doing today after school?" I asked winking at her. A blush appeared lightly on her cheeks.

"I have student council after school but you could always bring me home." she said slowly. Usually I give Taylor rides to and from school but she has other friends.

"Sounds perfect." I say and then she sways her hips off to her desk and gets ready for class.

"Good morning class. I have a special surprise for you guys. We will have a partner project due next month. You guys will work on them as soon as possible though. Your assignment is to agree on one place that you two will camp at for 3 days. It can't be a place that provides food, water, or shelter. Campgrounds are excepted but no cabin's. You will study and track down wildlife. Then come up with a two page report that you will present." Mr. Tamora said.

At our school we don't just have the basics. We have interesting and sometimes strange classes. This class was Survival. We learned everything from real life, to zombie apocalypse survival.

"The partner's are: Natasha and Nathan, Jackie and Cameron,-" I listened to him pair up matches until my name was called. "Drew and Taylor." I felt the corners of my mouth rise into a smirk. Of course we were partners.

After school I watched as Taylor safely but not happily stalks off with my best friend Greg. She glares at me through the window and then I walk off to the student council room.

I search the room but I don't see Natasha. "Is Natasha here?" I ask slightly worried.

"She said she couldn't make it today. Sorry." one girl says. I walk out and search around for her. When I decide that she isn't in the building I walk outside and head to the sports court. I look around and then my heart shatters. I see Natasha making out with some guy! I walk a little closer before seeing who the other guy is. It's Nathan. Taylor's boyfriend.


Hey guys! Paradise here. It isn't toooooo clique is it?? Well hope you love it!

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