Chapter (I forget what number we up to) xD

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Drew's P.O.V

I sat up, and looked around frantically, Taylor was looking at me with big wide eyes.

"Taylar? Are you up yet?" I heard her mum call, the door slowly started to open and I bounced and and ran towards the bathroom.

"Mom!" Taylor yelled, "I'm half naked just wait a second!"

Mmm half naked... WAIT! stop thinking dirty thoughts Drew! I snapped at myself.

I closed the bathroom door, and jumped behind her shower curtains, hoping, praying her mother wouldn't come in here.

"Oh Taylor, there is nothing I haven't seen before" Taylor's mum replied,


Taylor's P.O.V

I was hiding in my wardrobe from my mum, slowly chucking clothes every where and making it look like I actually was half naked. Mum popped her head in the door, startling me.

"What do you want?" I complained,

She smiled at me, "I just wanted to see if your alright, from breaking up with Nathan?"

"Mum, I'm fine" I smiled at her reassuringly, it was nice knowing she cared but honestly.. she was kinda giving me a heart attacked at the moment!

"Alright, well..." She gave me a look over and grimaced "I hope your not wearing that today.."

I looked down at myself, to see I had bright yellow shorts on from one of my dance concerts and a really old baggy top that dad had given me.

I looked up and gave her a sheepish grin before kicking her out of my room.

"Breaky will be ready in 15!" She called to me, before shutting the door.

I quickly changed out of my clothing, and put on some more attractive clothes before going to find Drew.

As I opened the bathroom door, I couldn't see him which was good. It's good to know he's a good hider, cause if mum had found him in bed this morning... I dunno what would happen.

"Drew?" I called quietly

I heard some rustling coming from behind the shower curtain, and with a slight tug of someone else's hand, the curtain was pulled back to reveal Drew.

I smiled at him and gave him the thumbs up, "Great hiding spot!"

He returned me a sheepish grin, which made me laugh. "Come on let's get you out of here, one heart attack is enough for me"

"Alrighty" He agreed,

I  walked to the window, and opened up it up, so he could climb out and head home.

He gave me a peck on the cheek before chuckling at my blush that started to climb onto my face. I smiled at him, then watched him begin to climb out of my window.

"Taylor!" My mum called, which made me jump

"What?" I shouted back,

"Tell Drew he can stay for breakfast if he likes" I stiffened and looked at Drew in shock.


Hahaha, what'd you think of that guys?
Love you's <3
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