Chapter 5 <3

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I finally opened my eyes to see that Drew was still sleeping. His mouth was set in a hard line and his eyes were squeezed shut. Instinctively, I cupped his cheek in my hand. He relaxed a little and I was glad that h did. I hate seeing him upset. He finally opened his eyes and I smiled at him.

"Uggh, what time is it?" Drew asked slowly sitting up. I sat up too and checked my phone.

"7" I say. We should probably get something to eat soon. Drew ruffles his hair and then as if reading my mind he says,

"Wanna go grab some food? I'll buy." he says. Although he's acting normal again he still looks sad. I'm dying to know what she did to him. Whatever she did he didn't deserve this.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say pulling him up and out the door. Surprisingly, I made him laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask pouting.

"For such a tiny girl you have an appetite the size of the football team!" he said laughing. I continue to pout and he puts his arm around me. "Taylor, you know I only tease you because I love you." he says. I know that he means as a bestfriend but the words 'I love you' brings butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's go to.....?" I ask still trying to hide my blush from his words.

"What are you trying to hide?" he asks grinning at me. He grabs my hands and trys to get them off my face. I close my eyes and relax. I pray that the blush is gone before letting him grab my hands. "Are you okay?" he asks. I bet the blush is gone. Thank god.

"I just really want to know why you were so devastated earlier...." I trail off. His face looks sorrowful and I regret mentioning it. "Uh, you don't have to tell me. Sorry." I say leaning against him comfortingly.

"It's okay. I suppose you you shou know too. Um, today when I went to pick up Natasha I saw her and.... and...Nathan."he says. I urge him to continue since that can't be the end. "They were really close and I think they were.... making out." he says. Al the color drains from his face and I'm sure mine. Well he said he THINKS. That's not definite right?

"Well don't be sad! You think they were but we don't know for sure! I mean do you really think Natasha would be cheating on you? You are the sweetest boy sh will ever know. Would she really let you go?" I ask trying to look on the brightside. I don't tell him that I believe that Natasha would cheat on him. She flirts with every guy in school.

"Oh, I don't think she would cheat on me but I do think that your pretty boy Nathan would make a move on her! He treats you like a doll in his doll collection. He treats you like your like every girl! He's not right for you at all!" he screams.

"How could you say that? Nathan is as sweet as can be. I'm his one and only!" I say though I'm not even convincing myself. Nathan has been acting different lately. He's seemed so distant from me.

"Whatever say what you want about that manwhore but if he ever even touches Natasha gain I'll beat him no matter what you say." he says glaring at me.

"Just go home." I huff. I watch as he softens and looks sad but then slams the door shut behind him. I slid down against the door and cry. This is our first fight. Not once in the 13 years that we've known each other have we fought.

Goodbye perfect friendship.


"Just go home." she sighs. No this can't be happening. We have NEVER fought and now over one assumption I made she's angry at me. I slam the door behind me and start walking down her driveway. Maybe I was just in denial, maybe Natasha did do it and I just didn't want to believe it.

I'm not letting us fight. No not today. I took a seat on her dad's truck's hood and waited. I'll stay out her till nightfall (unless she comes out) and then I'll go to her bedroom window and apoligize. I WON'T LOSE HER.


"Taylor? Why is Drew outside on my hood?" my dad asked me. I ran to the window and saw a determined looking Drew sitting on my dad's hood.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said walking up to my room. I plopped down onto my bed and cried myself to sleep.

"Taylor? Will you dance with me?" I hear Drew ask from behind me. I spin around and lose my breath. Drew is dressed up in a black tux with a light green tie that brings out his eyes. He's wearing his signature grin and his hand is open awaiting mine. I smile and take his hand rising from my seat.

"Of course." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms easily warp around my waist and he pushes me closer to him.

"You look beautiful Taylor." he says staring at my lips. I nodd and slowly lean in are lips are about to meet -

*tap tap tap*

I snap awake and blush. Why would I dream about Drew? Especially me and Drew almost kissing?

I look over to the window and see Drew. I run over and open the door. "What are you doing here? It's poring outside." I say running to grab a towel from my bathroom. I wrap it around his shoulders and beckon him to speak.

"I'm sorry Taylor. I quickly learned that I can't stand us fighting. Do you forgive me?" he asks. I look in his eyes and see regret.

"I forgive you. Let's never-" I say but am cutt off by being pressed into Drew. He let's go and kisses my forehead.

"Your the best Taylor." he says. It's too dark for him to see the blush that creeps up to my cheeks. "Oh, by the way, Can I stay here tonight?" he says. I laugh and roll my eyes. I grab the now damp towel an dthrow into my laundry basket. I walk back over to my bed and push him down onto his back. I lean over and whisper "Oh why not?".

I don't care that that seemed really flirtatious. After all I still feel like I'm in a dream.. I'm begining to like this new feeling.


Hey it's Paradise. Like it? I hope so! <3 yall!

<3 Paradise

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