Chapter 10 :D

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Drew's P.O.V

After taking Taylor to my secret spot, and told her the exciting news. We headed home to pack for our Survival project that was coming up. Being a teenage guy I found that I didn't really have to pack much.. I mean clothes, food, tooth brush and water and we're all set right?

So when I finished packing, I went over to chill at Taylor's. I was kinda scared, when she showed me what she had packed… and that she wasn't even close to finishing.

"You know Taylor.. this does have to fit in my car? With the tents.. electricity generator, and my stuff? Right?"

"Its not that much, Drew" She said, while struggling to lift her now second full suitcase onto her bed.

Sighing I walked over and placed it onto her bed for her. She smiled up at me, and brushed her hands together as if to say 'a good job done'.

"Oh! I forgot to pack, my brush and hair straightener and-" As she started to walk towards her bathroom I quickly grabbed her and tackled her onto her bed.

Landing on top of her, probably unintentionally squishing her small body. I grabbed her arms and forced them, playfully, onto her bed so she couldn't move around. As I looked into her eyes, I felt her body freeze up.

"No. More. Packing" I ordered,

Staring into her beautiful blue eyes, I felt the sudden urge to just lean down and kiss her right then an there. As the throught flew across my mind, I sucked in a breath and tensed. How the hell could I think that??

Quickly, I got up off of her and walked over to her other suit case, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. As my hands grasped her suit case and I lifted it up, I tried to shake my head and clear all of my thoughts.

She's my childhood friend for Christ sakes! The only girl I've ever allowed to see me cry, the only girl that has ever known what I truly felt with out me having to say it. The only girl who knows exactly what to say or do, to make me feel happy. The only girl who can be completely comfortable around me, and the same for me.

I blinked in realisation she's the only girl.. who I've allowed myself to have fallen in love with…

Turning around I saw that Taylor was still laying on her back, as if she was afraid to move. Crap, I've probably ruined our friendship. I nearly jumped when I saw her slowly start to sit up. Her hands where resting on her chest, as if trying to keep her heart there, or as if she was shy about what just happened.

She had, a pink tinge to her cheeks and a serious but dreamy look was plastered on her beautiful angelic face. Scowling in my head again, I quickly put her other suitcase on top of her other one.

"I'll grab these in the morning" I said, before turning and heading towards her door.

When I reached her door I turned back to look in her direction, but definitely not at her.

"I'll see you bright and early, make sure you haven't forgotten anything if that's even possible and try to get a good nights rest okay? Cya Tay" I turned to leave, when she called out my name.

As I turned back, I saw she had gotten off of her bed and had walked over to me, as I turned to her, now completely facing her I smiled down at her softly.

"I'll see you in the morning," She said, before reaching up and giving my and big hug.

I slowly allowed my arms to wrap around her, and my hands to gently rest upon her lower back. As she rested against me completely I swear I heard her let out a sigh, but I let it go. Knowing I had probably imagined it.

"Seeya Taylor" I said, one last time before walking out the door and to left to go to my house.

I wonder what was going through that girls mind?!


Tadaaaa, whatcha think? Good? Bad?

I hope you liked it anyway! haha~

Love Emerald<3

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