1. Primrose Evans.

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^ Primrose Evans ^

I would just like to say this is an AU (Alternate Universe) therefore not everything and everybody are the same.

I'm saying this because I've been reviving negative comments about how Lily acts.

If you don't like it then please, keep your opinion to yourself instead of trying to make me feel bad.


It was always Lily this and Lily that. Oh, Lily you're so beautiful. Oh, Lily your so kind.

But for her it was nothing like that. For her it was, Who's that dork?

Primrose or as her friends at Beauxbatons call her, Prim, Evans was similar to Lillian or Lily Evans in many ways. Their eyes were the same yet Prim's looked like an emerald had been imbedded in her eye, whereas Lily's were more of a dull green. Both of them had the same blood red hair though Lily's was straight and Prim's was curly, she didn't know whether that was better or worse. Whilst Lily looked more inviting with meaner features here and there Prim's face was softer and she had aristocrat features here and there like her pink, plump bow lips and finely shaped nose.

Now though everything was different, Primrose looked a lot different after all she had inherited many Veela powers from her dads side of the family and Beauxbatons brought it out of her. She would most defiantly be the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts but it was them that she wanted to impress, it was her parents, Petunia and Lily. Petunia had always been nice to Prim until Lily started forcibly grabbing Prim and taking her away declaring how she was meant to be 'her twin'. She still wrote to Petunia when she went to Beauxbatons but rarely her parents or Lily as they didn't want to hear anything that didn't come out of their Princess' mouth.

--•--•-- Flashback --•--•--

"Ah, Lily look how beautiful you are. One day you'll become a proper Princess," her parents told her sister. Prim, who was 11 at the time but still wondered why they didn't ever call her a Princess.

"Don't worry, Prim, you'll always be a Princess to me," Petunia whispered in her ear.

"Thank you, Tuney. I love you,"

"I love you too,"

They stopped talking to each other when they heard Lily begin to speak.

"And when I go to Hogwarts I'll make sure to marry a rich Wizard," she stated.

"And you'll give us money too," commanded Jonas Evans, he was sure that his Princess was his only hope of ever inheriting the money that he wanted so badly. After all she was the prettiest.

Petunia had an elegant long neck with soft light green eyes, it seemed that all of his children had inherited different types of green eyes, and blonde hair unlike the other two.

Lily had always been a beautiful child unlike her twin, Prim. That's why neither Jonas nor Gillian ever bothered with her.

--•--•-- End Of Flashback --•--•--

Petunia was there as soon as Primrose got off the boat she saw Petunia, but Petunia didn't even notice her. Prim took this as a good sign.

"TUNEY!" She yelled battling her way threw the crowds whilst clutching onto peer emerald-coloured suitcase as hard as she could to keep it from getting lost in the crowds.

When Petunia's eyes snapped to Prim her eyes widened,

"P-Prim is that y-you?" Petunia stammered, "you look 10x better than Lily... Is that a tattoo?!" Petunia half-yelled the last bit whilst looking towards Prim's ankle.

"Yes. I've always loved Stags, I don't know why," Prim admitted, shifting her gaze from her beautiful sister down to her ankle.

"I can't believe your back!" Petunia cried out wrapping her arms around her sister.

Prim's curly blood-red hair now reached down to her lower back, her emerald eyes shinier than ever and an hour-glass figure that any girl would die for. She was very pale and had grown into her aristocrat features making her look even more prettier, yet her face still held the same warmth as years previously.

"It's good to be back," Prim replied whilst embracing her sister.


"Petunia? Have you got Primrose?" Asked Jonas Evans, by the question he asked one would think that he would be excited for his daughters return, but his tone was bored.

"Yes, dad!" Petunia piped up, happier than ever now that Lily was going to be put in her place by seeing a girl that she used to bully be so much more kind and beautiful than she could ever imagine to be.

"DINNER!" Gillian then shouted up, Jonas quickly came down the stairs to be face to face with a girl that out ranked his Lily flower in looks but looked so familiar.

"Hi dad," the girl said as his eyes grew to the size of saucers, Primrose? No it couldn't be, he was so glad to get rid of that child who ruined the families image and now here she was.

"COMING MUM!" Shouted a voice that could only belong to Lillian Marie Evans, the one girl that Prim wanted nothing more than to stay away from. When the girl got to the bottom of the stairs Lily was furious at seeing a girl who was so much prettier than her.

"Who are you?" She sneered, "your not welcome here,"

"What a lovely welcome home, sister," she saw Lily's mouth open and eyes fill with rage at the same time that her mother, who had been peaking noisily from around the kitchen door, dropped one of the plates with a loud 'SMASH!'.


"So Lily, tell me about all these boys that have been trailing you around," Jonas said, clearly trying to annoy Prim but it wasn't working, she had had her fair share of boys and wasn't ready to jump into another relationship this soon.

"Well there's James Potter, heir to the Potter family, and he's been asking me out since second year. Sirius Black is yet to say anything but you can tell that he loves me, he's going to take over a very wealthy family as well-" rolling her eyes at Lily's obvious boasting Prim settled her attention back onto her dinner plate where she was eating pasta in sauce, not one of Prim's favourites.

"Thank you for dinner mum, it was lovely," Prim lied, it was obvious that Gillian had put something that she shouldn't of in Prim's food, "but I must be off to bed, after all I've got to go to Diagon Alley in the morning, will you be coming Petunia?" Her sister nodded although Prim completely ignored everyone else, "we'll be gone by half eleven,"

Prim stalked off after putting her plate in the washing up bowl, mentally cursing herself for picking the time to be half eleven, after all she was never normally awake in non-school days until twelve.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now