12. Injured Animagi.

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At three o'clock in the morning Prim was the only one still awake, well half-awake, but a bang from the common room door soon woke her up. As she jumped up she caught sight of a blood trail, looking up she saw the faces of a unharmed Peter Pettigrew, Sirius who's leg looked half torn off and a very bloodied up James.

"What the hell? Can you not look after yourselves, I understand that your trying to help Remus-" even James managed to open his eyes up, wide in shock, "-but at least try to come out alive!" Levitating James and helping Sirius up the stairs she took them back to their dorm and began to heal them. Only one thought constantly going threw her head,

Boys are idiots.


"May I inquire as to why you look so pleased with yourself, Tulip?" Prim asked her grinning sister, Tulip had been like it since she had got in the previous night.

Prim received no answer to her question as her sister still seemed out of it, sighing she went back to her food, giving up on any conversation with her twin.

"What's up with her?" Marlene asked as she scooted next to Prim.

"Ask her, she won't answer me," Prim grumbled, poking at her food whilst staring in Tulip's direction.

"Earth to Tulip... Tulip? TULIP!" After Marlene screamed her name Tulip soon came back to this world.

"What?" She asked, irritably, as if they had pulled her out of a good dream.

"Care to tell me why you look like Prim when she's thinking about James?" Prim then proceeded to blush a very Weasley red.

Tulip just smiled at the two and went back to her breakfast.

She better quit it before next lesson, Prim thought to herself in her head. Personally she was in no mood to deal with her sisters love life as she had two injured Animagus' in her bedroom... Now that was not something that you could say everyday.


All. Day. Long. Prim gritted her teeth together as she thought of that loony smile on Tulip's face all day, one would think that she was turning into the next Xeno Lovegood, who's name was too long for Prim to think, let alone say.

"Will you quit it?" Prim finally hissed, Tulip turned around with a face full of confusion. "You know the constantly smiling, one would think your in love," she ended her words in a teasing way, Prim had an attitude that changed every five seconds.

When Tulip blushed and ran she knew that she was right, and she would find out, before Christmas. Now determined to find out her sister's secret Prim strode on, back to look after some idiotic boys/animals. She didn't even know what to call them currently!


Sophia played with the dangles on her charm bracelet, something that she always did when she was nervous, and made her way towards Lucius' favourite place, the astronomy tower. If there was one place that she was going to find him, it would be there.

She took her time walking up the stairs, dreading to see his reaction to the news... Should she really tell him? Or just walk back and forget all about it? Or run away to Australia?

Where's your Gryffindor courage, Sophia? She asked herself as she continued to walk up the stairs, wishing she was anywhere but here.

And sure enough, when she got to the top, she saw familiar platinum blonde hair.

"Lucius?" She said, she already knew it was him but it was clear that he was yet to know that she was here. The grey-eyed man turned around and looked slightly shocked when he saw her.

"Sophia? Aren't you meant to be with the lions," he spat the word out with every ounce of hate in him, though slightly hurt Sophia carried on.

"There's something I need to tell you," her hands went back down to her charm bracelet as she began to fiddle with them again.

"Go on," he said, raising an aristocratic eyebrow.

She searched for the perfect way to tell him but there was no way, just to come out and tell him.

"I'm pregnant,"



Cliff hanger! Anyway, how would you like Lucius to react? Oh, and I'm sorry I took so long to update, first I was off WiFi then I went to a Water Park, then I was sick so... Not the best week for me.

Anyway, how was your half term (if you get one)?

I'll see you next chapter,


Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now