6. Gryffindor Pride, Baby!

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DarkEars-Rabbit- Sophia Zabini
Royal- Dolphin- Dorcas Meadowes
Tigger- Cat- Marlene McKinnon
Snow- White Wolf- Phoenix(Nix) Jones
Fawn- Doe- Primrose(Prim) Evans


Madams Mischief:

And Fawn.

Welcome you to their humble home but if your Lillian, Carlie or Leanne get lost.

The girls grinned at their door before walking into their room once more, Sophia and Marlene already racing to get into the shower.

"Home," Prim whispered to herself before remembering that she promised to write to Petunia and Appoline, her best friend from Beauxbatons. Not to forget Tulip. ( you'll find out who she is later )

Dear Tuney,

My stay has been good so far. I've made some friends and they're all strange so I guess I fit it then. Their names are Phoenix Jones but she just likes to be called Nix, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes and Sophia Zabini. I think you'd like Sophia the best as you two could be makeup fanatics together. Thankfully this bunch aren't part of Lily's gang.

Anyway our dorm room is massive and has loads of room! Although it has only one bathroom. Lily's still been glaring at me throughout all of her lessons, you should have seen her when I got a question right in potions! Things are starting to get a lot more interesting now as I've found that Nix has a crush on Remus Lupin, I let her borrow my book for notes earlier and now it has RL in a love heart written all over the page that I then gave to her.

In Transfiguration I met the boy that Lily's always going on about, James Potter, he's actually not that bad. During lunch I met Sirius Black and I'm pretty sure that what Lily said about him was a lie too, both of them are really funny and good victims for pranks in the future. In the library I met Remus Lupin, the boy that Nix is crushing on, and he's really nice and down to earth, I think he's the one that stops James and Sirius from going too far. As for Peter Pettigrew I get a weird feeling from him and he's always rubbing the arms where the Dark Mark should be so I'll have to keep a closer eye on him.

Anyway I hope you've had a great day,


Sending a similar one to Appoline and Tulip she tied them to Aries' foot who went without a problem with a promise of bacon.

"Now, I say we do a prank," Marlene said, rubbing her hands together in anticipation as we got started with the planning.


Their prank, which they had been up 'till three planning was due to happen that morning. Prim couldn't help but keep on giggling and looking at the Slytherin table, waiting for their prank to strike. And it did, two minutes later.

Screams were heard as all of the lights in the Great Hall turned off, the only thing that was illuminating the sky were the words,

Madams Mischief:

And Fawn bring to you:

Gryffindor pride, baby!

As soon as that had been said roars could be heard from the far end of the hall, coming from the direction of the Slytherin's table. The lights turned on and nobody could held but laugh at the sight, all of the Slytherins were dressed head to toe in red and gold, red tights (even for the boys) and a big gold top with a red leather jacket, sewn in gold were the words Gryffindor pride, baby!

And then they roared and the whole hall dropped into an applause, not wanting anyone else to take credit for their prank Nix, Sophia, Dorcas, Marlene and Prim stood up and bowed.

"DETENTION! Miss. Jones, Miss. Zabini, Miss. Meadowes, Miss. McKinnon and Miss. Evans. 9 PM sharp, don't be late." The potion teacher she assumed to be Slughorn yelled. Prim was extremely talented at Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts, therefore she was looking forward to seeing ol' Sluggy's face when he saw her skill the following day.


"Gather around, gather around," Slughorn ordered, sending glares in the direction of the five girls, "now who can tell me about the Draught of Living Death?" His eyes widened when he saw not only Severus Snape and Lillian Evans' hands up but also the new trouble maker, Primrose Evans. Knowing this was his chance to embarrass her he chose her, a smirk of triumph on his slug-like face.

"Yes, the new Miss. Evans,"

"The Draught of Living Death brings the sleeper into a very powerful death-like sleep, there is no knowing how long it will last. It is an extremely dangerous potion and must be made with caution else you will be set into that sleep. You must execute the instructions with maximum caution as a wrong move could change the whole thing leaving it unknown of the contents," Prim explained, Slughorn's eyes were as wide as saucers, Prim then smirked at the elder man who scowled back.

"Hurry up then," he muttered before returning to the chair at the front of the classroom, leaving all of his students to prepare and start their potions.

That was until Frank Longbottom's potion exploded.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now