3. Aries, Hecate And Four Girls.

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^ Aries, Prim's Owl. Marmalade, Petunia's Cat. Hecate, Prim's Cat ^

"Tuney I'm going to mis you loads. Remember to reply to my letters via Aries," Prim went over for the three hundredth time, making sure it was securely in he mind.

"I promise," Petunia said, laughing slightly at her sister acting like a mother, "as long as you tell me about your pranks! And do try to stay away from Lily,"

"Oh, I will!" Prim shouted as she began to make her way threw the crowds, she shot Petunia a mischievous grin as Petunia became thankful that she wasn't any of the Hogwarts students or teachers.

What neither girl noticed was a pair of hazel eyes watching her.


Prim had been to many compartments but with no such luck of finding a empty one so when she found one with a girl about her age in she finally stopped to talk.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here? The rest of the train seems to be full," she asked with a smile, the other girl smiled warmly at her before introducing herself.

"I'm Phoenix Jones, but just call me Nix. Seventh year, Gryffindor. I've got an older sister, Hestia, who's out of school now but I've also got a sister in this year who is ten months older than me, Carlie Jones."

Nix Jones had wavy black hair that ended just bellow her shoulders along with chocolate brown eyes that made you want to spill even your biggest secrets to her.

"I'm Primrose Evans but just call me Prim, I'll be in my seventh year and I've just transferred from Beauxbatons. Lily Evans is my twin sister but we loath each other," it seemed that Nix breathed a sigh of relief then. "No, none of us do other than the two that follow her around like lost puppies, my sister, Carlie, and Leanne Rosa. By 'none of us' I mean Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Sophia Zabini and I, and now you I guess," neither noticed another three girls by the door for the whole of that explanation.

"So your the sister that Lily is always complaining about, you look absolutely nothing like she described. Anyway I'm Marlene McKinnon," Marlene said, offering her hand out to Prim who immediately look it. She had golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

"Ooh, nice necklace. You're really pretty, I'm going to have some fun putting makeup on you!" A blonde haired girl squealed from the left to Marlene once again with blonde hair but this time teal eyes, "I'm Sophia Zabini," once again Sophia offered her hand to Prim who took it without a thought and finally she turned to the girl to the right of Marlene.

This girl had shoulder length brown hair and grey eyes, "I'm Dorcas Meadowes. I'll be the one trying to stop Sophia from coating your face with her never ending list of makeup products," Prim took her extended hand and laughed when Sophia pulled a face at Dorcas.

"In our year for Gryffindor we have the most girls we've ever had in a century. There's Lily, Carlie, Leanne, Nixiepoo-" "HEY!" "- Dorcas, Sophia, you and I," Marlene announced sending a cheeky smile in Nix's direction. "We have our own dorm and since we heard that you and your sister don't get along you can join us if you get into Gryffindor,"

"Thanks." Prim's former innocent smile then turned into her trade mark mischievous grin, "do you like pranks?" Once she had said that she saw Nix face palm as they all started to talk about prank ideas and names for a group, until they settled on Madams Mischief.


"So, Prongs, how are you going to ask out Lily this year?" Sirius Black inquired whilst lying across the seats that Moony and Wormtail were yet to claim.

"I'm giving up," James admitted, at those words Sirius fell off of the seats.

"Your what?" He asked, although he heard the first time perfectly well he couldn't decide if he was dreaming or not. He'd finally have his friend back to normal.

"I'm giving up, why should I trail after a girl who hates me for six years? Anyway I saw this girl in Diagon Alley and I hadn't stopped thinking about her since," James declared. dreamily for the last part.

So much for his friend being back to normal.


Nix, Marlene, Sophia, Dorcas and Prim all grabbed a carriage to sit in, all still talking about names for their little group.

"What about hair colour?"


"Eye colour?"


"Last name,"


Dorcas snapped her fingers, "I know, they said we'd be doing something about Animagus' in the first lesson of Transfiguration this year, why dint we base them off of that," all the girls nodded but we're all distracted when they heard yelling from the carriage behind them.

"HELLO LADIES!" A rather attractive man with hair down to his shoulders and almost black eyes. The girls who knew who he was went back inside as Prim looked at the boy curiously before getting back in.

"Who was that?" She finally asked when everyone else was silent.

"Sirius Black, a fellow Gryffindor and amazing prankster along with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew," Sophia explained whilst powdering her nose, even Prim rolled her eyes fondly at this. As soon as they had got out McGonagall came rushing over to Prim.

"Are you Primrose Evans?" The severe looking woman with the tight bun asked, when she hooded she was immediately whisked away only being able to wave back at her friends.


Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now