7. The Arrival Of Tulip.

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I know that most of you will probably skip the letter but: PLEASE READ THE LETTER AS IT HAS VITAL INFORMATION IN IT FOR NEXT CHAPTER! B.T.W its a Saturday if your wondering about classes.

Sorry it's shorter than normal!

With October fast approaching they were all seeing the days grow shorter. Not too much shorter, but shorter. But defiantly colder than the unusually hot summer they had had that year.

Prim noted this whilst writing a letter down to a girl she knew (very well) who would soon be coming to Hogwarts.

Dear Tulip,

The month is almost up and the days, though gradually, are growing shorter. When are you coming? You promised you would come before the month was out. If you don't I will come to Beauxbatons and hunt you down.

Anyway, Lily and I had a run in a couple of days ago which included the normal words being exchanged. I never really understood why she hated us both so much, and for some reason she hates me even more now!

Phoenix Jones (you know the girls who I talked about in my last letter) and I have grown significantly closer and I am positive that she has a crush on this really sweet boy in my year, Remus Lupin. Phoenix is the girl who keeps us all from going too far I guess you could say.

Dorcas Meadowes is the one who does all the plans, I guess you could call her the intelligent one. But that doesn't make all the rest of us stupid! Though you should see her in Ancient Runes, genius!

Marlene McKinnon is the player in a way. Seriously she went in a date with Levi Abbot and called him Landon! And whenever she goes on a date with someone we always have to correct the names she comes out with. I mean who can mix up Daikon and David, seriously! But she is like the heart of the party and always gets you up when your down.

Sophia Zabini is again a bit of a player. Actually, even more so than Marlene, she's got 'appointment' for everyday of the week with a different guy, though she does actually remember their names. She's more of a split-personality person, she can be shy and bookish and then she can be flirty and out there.
I think that today's 'appointments' are:
Henric Lobo
Derek Bones
Mason Thomas
Billius Weasley
And Sirius Black.

See what I mean?

Anyway I better go and you better be getting over here right now!



Licking the seal and writing the initials,


On the front Prim gave it to Aries, her owl, to take. Aries always knew what the initials T.R.E meant from the numerous letters the two had been sending to each other.

"Prim, hurry up it we'll miss breakfast and I've got to get to Henric Lobo right after!" Shouted Sophia Zabini from the other side of the door.



"Waffles!" Prim almost yelled in joy when she saw her favourite food appearing on the table. It was only on Saturdays that they served waffles.

"Waffle day again?" Asked a voice behind her. She knew who it was before she saw the messy flop of raven black hair. James Potter. Prim wasn't going to lie and say that she wasn't attracted to the boy but liking somebody and attraction were too completely different things... Right?

"Urm, yes," Prim said after a couple of seconds of everybody looking at her.

"Mind if we sit here?" Remus Lupin asked, though his eyes were trained on the book in front of him that he was obviously not reading, almost as if he was trying desperately not to look at something or someone.

"Of-" Prim never finished her sentence as she saw her other triplet sister come threw the doors.

"TULIP!" Prim yelled as she ran over to the girl in question and hugged her with all of her might.

When Tulip, Primrose and Lillian received their Hogwarts letters they had both been accepted into Beauxbatons, Salems, Hecate and Hogwarts whilst Lillian had only been accepted into Hogwarts. Both of the girls chose Beauxbatons and it was decided that they would come to Hogwarts for their last year, Prim would go first and then Tulip otherwise they knew that Gillan and Jonas, they refused to call them mum and dad except on occasions where they're showing them up, tried to stop them.

"Miss. Tulip Evans has been sorted into Gryffindor, I trust that you will take care of her, Miss. Evans," nodding at Professor. McGonagall Prim dragged her other twin sister to a table with a lot of questions. And with Lily glaring at the backs of their heads. Oh, and a certain messy raven haired boy smiling whilst watching a beaming Prim.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now