23. We'll Be Free.

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"What do you think will happen, after all of this. Once we're out of the war?" Phoenix asked from where she was lying, reading a book on the sofa. Prim was opposite her, running her hands through James' messy black hair.

"How do you know the war will end, Nixie?" Prim inquired, smiling down at the grinning face of James Potter.

"It'll have to one day," Phoenix persisted.

"Then one day we'll all be free, Phoenix," Prim stated, as she gazed down at James' face she chose her next words, "but for now, let's live today,"

Three Years Later

"Auntie Primie!" Squealed a voice from the door. Prim, who was holding a one year old (today) Hadrian 'Harry' James Potter, and was looking very, very pregnant went to greet her goddaughter and honorary neice , Ariadne Helen Sophia Zabini and Lyra Dorcas Lupin.

"Watch Harry!" Prim yelled to the, the three year old and two year old respectively ran up to her.

"Who are we waiting on now?" James asked, poking his head around the door to see his wife being attacked by Ariadne and Lyra.

"Tulip and Regulus," Prim stated. Just as she said that her sister and brother-in-law came threw the floo with their four month old baby, Rigel.

Prim could not recall ever being so happy, after all she had spent the last year and a bit in hiding seeing no one out of the family, not unless you count their cat, Smudge.

Everybody had got married and had a family quickly, knowing the war would soon take them. The Lupin's consisted of Remus, Phoenix and Lyra Lupin. The Zabini's consisted of Sophia, the occasional husband who was found dead months later, Ariadne and Blaise. The Black's consisted of Regulus, Tulip and Rigel. And the Potter's were James, Primrose, Harry and his unborn sibling.

When Prim slept that night she slept blissfully unaware of what would happen soon.

Of how her nephew, Rigel, would be orphaned two days later, loosing his parents when they tried to destroy one of Voldemort's horcruxes. (But they didn't know how they died).

Of how Phoenix would be lost after they attempted to torture her for information in just a week.

Of how she gave birth to hers and James' darling baby girl in less than a month only for them to die barley three months later.

Of how the prophecy was only the start.



I never actually planned on beginning to finish it in this chapter but I just felt that it was the right time. The end of this book is coming soon... :(

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now