22. Future Girl.

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I thought we need to hear a bit on Sirius...

"Have you heard about the seer?" Prim asked James with a big grin.

"A fake one? We already have Professor. Myrascle, we don't need another! She's creepy enough with those big glasses," James scrunched his face up just thinking about her.

" 'I can see your future'," Sirius quoted from where he was chatting up some Gryffindor girl. James laughed and, though a tad disproving, Prim couldn't help but snort.

The said Gryffindor girl glared at them for taking up time where Sirius could be flirting with her.

Prim just glared right back.

"What do you think our future holds?" James asked her quietly. Prim blushed before answering,

"Who knows? Maybe we'll live to a ripe old age," she stated with a smile.

"Surrounded by grandkids and great-grandkids," James said with a dreamy sigh. Prim could only blush more.

She hoped above everything that that could be her future.

Her happily ever after.


"There she is," Nix informed them, popping up out of nowhere with a grinning Remus not far behind her.

"Shall we go in a group?" Sirius asked, detangling himself from the same girl that glared at Prim in the Common Room.

Marlene shrugged as she joined them, "Why not?" After Peter (Sophia was ill) arrived the group began to make their way towards the seer.


"I am Celeste Mystic, pleasure to meet you. Now who would like to go first?" Celeste asked.

Peter put his hand up when he saw that nobody else was coming forward.

"When you have a strong future, which is when your future has serious-" Prim gave Sirius a hard look when she saw that he went to open his mouth, he then closed it sheepishly, "-loss, sacrifice, death, fear and impact it will show some sort of video in the air, though most of the time there is only silhouettes shown," She explained.

She took Peter's hand and placed it on the table. A mini projection, that you could barley see, showed a man holding what looked to be some mighty ugly baby and stirring a potion whilst holding it.

"Do not make the wrong choices, it'll cost you everything," she warned, Peter rubbed his arm unknowingly, arousing suspicion from Prim and Nix who saw.


Phoenix went and got a pitying look from the lady but the lady said that Nix had nothing to regret in the future. Remus went and she told him about how brave he would be one day, the person who everybody relied on.

"Primrose Evans, correct?" The lady asked her warmly. The lady checked Prim's hand and pictures came up, the lady covered them up though and said,

"You shall be one of the reasons behind why we are all saved. You will have a happy and joyful life."

James got the same, the pictures being covered up, claiming he helps save them all.

It was Sirius' that shocked most people.

The lady checked Sirius' palm and soon pictures came up, the lady went to cover it but Sirius claimed that he wanted to see it. The lady looked ready to argue but relented.

On there was a woman, you could make out her black hair and snow-White pale skin but nothing more. The woman seemed to be shielding her young toddler boy, maybe even baby, from the oncoming flurry of spells.

"Sirius please," the woman pleaded, "remember what happened last time. I- we can't loose you," the silhouette that was clearly meant to be Sirius kissed her head and vanished.

"Looks like your going to your Uncles, mummy won't let daddy get into trouble again," they could hear the woman say. The scene vanished but not before they heard a scream.

"When is that?" Sirius asked.

"Nineteen to twenty years in the future, I can tell you no more, young star. You have a rough future ahead but do not block her out when she comes," the seer stated mysteriously before vanishing away with a pop.

"Is it just me or did it seem like she wanted to get away from us?" Remus asked, "are our futures really that traumatising that a seer can't handle it?" He asked with a short, forced laugh.

The others could muster laughs to but Sirius was left to his own thoughts.

Who was the black haired girl?

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now