16. Defying Him.

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😏 Enjoy... Shorter chapter as there is ALOT going on in this one.






Prim froze in horror as she saw the devastation and heard the screams of wounded men, women and children alike.

"PRIM! PRIM!" She heard somebody scream, she turned around to see James holding out a hand for her to grab.

"We've got to go, now," he told her as he practically dragged her threw the crowds.

"James, we've got to go back, Tulip, Dorcas, Marlene and Nix are all in the Three Broomsticks,"

"No, Prim, we can't go back," he told her as he continued to push threw the masses of people running in all directions.

"James, we've got t-"

"RUN! RUN!" A terrified woman screamed as the crowd began to move as far away as they could from the place where James and Prim were stood. Both of them shared a confused look before turning around to carry on running. What they then saw made want to scream.

Blood red eyes, snake-like nose, deathly pale skin, bald and towering.


"Well, well, well, the blood traitor and his mudblood girlfriend, quite gifted in magic I hear from dear Lucius," James pushed Prim behind him, attempting to protect for the horrors that were, undoubtedly, to come. "A very good duelist,"

As the Dark Lord began to inch forward toward Prim James let out what sounded like a growl and pushed Prim more behind him. Voldemort laughed,

"Such bravery, sacrificing yourself for another," he said, looking directly at James. By now there was probably nobody who was willingly there for miles.

"Join me and you both can do extraordinary things, join me and have power you could never have wished of in your wildest dreams, Primrose, James,"

"Never," growled out James immediately.

"And you, Primrose," his eyes now held anger from James' response.

"I'd rather die," she responded, her head held high.

"Then death it shall be," he growled out, pointing his wand at the couple.


I love you, James. Always.



Right before Voldemort could finish his last two words the wall of the Hogs Head, where they were fighting by, fell in, barley missing James, causing Voldemort to apperate, and taking Prim down with it.

The last thing she heard was James screaming her name.


"How are we meant to tell her?"

"I don't know, Remus, it's not like we can go and out right tell her that her best friend is dead,"

At that Prim's eyes snapped open, after groaning Prim asked,

"What do you mean one of my best friends is dead? That's not funny,"

Sirius sighed before saying, "it wasn't a joke,"

Prim's eyes went wide in fear, "w-who?" She stammered.


"Dorcas, we lost her two days before you woke up," Remus answered, his eyes red and puffy.

Prim's breathing quickened, it felt like all the oxygen in the room had been cut off.

"C-ca-n't .... B-bre---ath!" She got out, her breathing quickening even more in desperate attempts to get the air back into her lungs.


"In and out, in and out," Remus told her.

She knew he was only trying to help but she really felt like hitting him at the moment for his stupidity, if she can't breath at all how is she meant to control it.

"In and out, in and out,"

Oh how she longed to bring her hand down on his face.


"In and out, in and out,"

And then Prim's world, once again, went dark.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now