17. Dead Man Walking.

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Prim had missed Christmas due to being in the hospital and was barley aloud out on New Year's Eve, and even then she was only aloud out until 1 AM. All together she felt miserable until she was discharged on the 7th January.

In other words her months there were not, in any way shape or form fun. And it didn't help when you had a boyfriend who was judging you incapable of doing anything or going anywhere yourself. The amount of times she'd had to snap,

"I'm injured not immobile!"

"Let me go James!"

"... I can pee perfectly well on my own thank you very much,"

Was rather annoying. Not to mention that it was at this point that all the people involved with the attack begun to call her the 'Dead Man Walking', honestly she didn't know which bit to be more annoyed by, the fact that they referred to her as a man or the fact that they knew of her confrontation with... Him. But then again in Hogwarts keeping secrets was practically impossible... Much like the time that Lily had transfigured her ears into rabbits ears... But she didn't like to talk about that.

"Let me take that for you," she loved her boyfriend dearly but if he said that line one more time she would have his head and shove it on a spike.

"For the last time James, I. Can. Do. Things. Myself! But thank you for the thought anyway," she then kissed his cheek and strutted past, wincing as she went. Maybe heels weren't the best idea when you'd got a swollen foot.

"Need me to carry you?"



"And the homework for today shall be to research a major historical figure, I shall come around with who now," Professor Binns announced as he concluded her lesson. Prim couldn't be more pleased as now she could get away from James', who was her partner's, doting.

"Here we are Miss. Eviinie, and one for you, Mr. Plums," Prim could barley hold back a snort at Professor Binns' name for James but one glare from her boyfriend silenced her.

She turned her note over and read,

Morgana LeFay.

Next to Morgana's name was a picture, it was the picture that greatly shocked her. There, in a Wizarding picture, stood somebody who looked exactly like her. Well, apart from the face that along with her blood red hair she also had streaks of raven black, even blacker than Sirius and James', something she thought to be impossible. She had the same bright eyes as Prim that seemed to stare straight threw her soul, the woman was slightly taller than Prim herself but still looked like her long lost twin.

She scrunched up her eyes in confusion, why would Morgana LeFay look exactly like her?


Sorry for the really short chapter but I wanted to leave it like that, to leave you with numerous questions like,

What does Prim and Morgana's connection even have to do with the story?


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it,


Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now