15. Smirking Slytherins

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Sorry it's kind of short but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger!

"Come on, Prim, wake up! It's the Hogsmeade trip today!"

Like that's going to make me want to get up, Prim thought to herself as she made no effort to move.

"You have three seconds until I pull your covers off!"

Sounds better than being in the middle of a Death Eater fight.


Does it look like I'm going to move to you, Dorcas?


Not a chance.


Nice try, Meadowes.


No! Was all that Prim could think as water was dumped on her.

"You idiot!" Prim yelled at the laughing Dorcas.

"You have fifteen minutes to shower, get changed and do whatever it is you do with that eye-poker of yours before I use a much less kind spell on you," Dorcas threatened and begun to walk out.

"That 'eye-poker' is called mascara!" Prim yelled after her.

"You think I care about makeup with all it's eye-pokers and orange-face-things?" She asked just as she shut the door.

Prim sighed and replied, "It's called foundation!"


As Dorcas dragged Prim passed the numerous people to hand their slips in she caught Rabastan, Rodolphodus and Lucius' smirking faces, they, clearly however, were not the only ones involved. At least due to the amount of smirking students... There was even a smirking Hufflepuff! Albeit only one.

"Come on," Dorcas tugged on her, Prim was searching for some way to tell Dorcas that they shouldn't go without her thinking that she was mad, Prim didn't even realise that she was walking until she was out of the gates, then she looked around in horror.

It was too late.


"Honestly, Prim," Nix said with a sigh whilst watching her bestfriend act like Mad-Eye Moody, "your acting like your expecting an attack or something,"

Suddenly Prim rounded on her, eyes wide and Butterbear flying everywhere, including onto Marlene who was sitting next to her.

"I-I'm sorry I-I'm j-just a bit jumpy," she replied, stuttering.

"Well, can you stop it? Your acting a bit like Peter Pettigrew," Marlene said whilst using a cleaning charm on her now Butterbeer covered clothes.

Prim just nodded and went back to staring out of the window.

"I don't feel too well, I'll be right back," Sophia told them, running to the bathroom to get rid of her morning sickness.

Marlene felt like banging her head on the table, Prim was acting incredibly jumpy, Sophia was constantly puking, Dorcas was being Dorcas, Tulip had her head on the table and was sighing dreamily and she had still yet to find a problem of her own to be wrapped up in.



All the girls could then hear nothing but screams, tourtured screams.

Sophia suddenly came running back, "An attack, there's an attack on Hogsmeade," as Sophia said that Prim bolted for the door, the girls screaming her name, it seemed safe in the Three Broomsticks, why would she want to go out into the middle of the fight?

BANG! Was all that the girls heard as the ceiling of the three broomsticks fell in.


I hope you enjoyed knowing all the girls because one of them is now dead!

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now