11. Sophia's Secret and The Furry Friend.

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Warning: Mild use of bad language.

When Prim walked in that night she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, a grin on her face the whole time. Little did she know that a certain raven haired boy was sleeping in just the same way.


"P-Prim," a voice stuttered out. Normally Prim would tell the voice that she needed five more minutes, but this was clearly not going to be one of those cases.

Carefully opening one eye she saw Sophia with tears running down her pale, aristocratic face. This was not the Sophia that Prim knew.

"Soph? What's wrong?" She asked, careful not to get too close to the girl due to her past bad experiences with crying girls... Like Lily's tantrums.

"Promise, Promise you won't tell a soul," the blonde haired girl begged, "not even your sister," she added, eyeing the other red head meters away.

"I promise," she answered.

Sophia made a gesture for her to follow her into the bathroom. Why would she want to go there? It wasn't like she was going to show her her shit.

But still, Prim followed.


"Pregnano Revilo,"

What happened then shocked Prim more than she had ever been before.

Above the green light indicating that she was pregnant were two faces, one of Sophia read Sophia Vivian Zabini and th other being...
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.


"Today we will be learning the unhinging charm-" Professor Flitwick began, but Prim wasn't paying any attention, she was too busy continuously looking between Sophia and Lucius, wondering how the two unluckily souls had gotten together. She's always cheery and brightens everyone up, he's dark and can put you in a mood just by being in a class with him.

She still wasn't seeing how it happened. But another thing that was curious was that Remus Lupin too was looking between the pair.


"Alright, pack up everybody. Next lesson we will be learning about the theory behind the patronus charm," the tiny Charms teacher announced as everybody started to practically run out of the lesson.


James, Sirius, Remus and Peter had all disappeared tonight. They did it once a month and, although Prim used to joke about them being on their period, she was starting to see the pattern.

Every full moon.

Rushing to the library she quickly grabbed a book that read 'How to spot a werewolf by Mathilda O'Berk' and all but ran back to the common room. She was almost positive that one of them were a werewolf but she just didn't know who.

'5 Ways To Spot a Werewolf:

1. Always sick before and after a full moon.
2. Has a bad reaction when werewolves are taught in Defence Against the Dark Arts (if at school).
3. Around a full moon it is almost impossible to sleep for the wolf, therefore they will tend to have dark circles around their eyes.
4. Better hearing. Has anyone ever heard a secret of yours or your friends when you had double checked that nobody was around? Well werewolves have enhanced hearing powers so nothing is safe from them.
5. Eyes. Their eyes tend to be a lot more unusual than full-human eyes, quite commonly being deep blue, lilac, silver, bronze and yellow.

Who was it that she had seen all pale around the recent days? She didn't know much about number 2 though because they hadn't studied werewolves yet. Who was it that she had seen walking around like sometime of human zombie? Who was the one who she had seen looking between the pair that she knew nobody was around when Sophia informed her? And who was the one with the bronze eyes? Remus Lupin.

It was then that she heard a great howl and ran over to the window, next to a werewolf was a stag, a grim and something that she couldn't see from here. It all added up.

For now, though, she was going to keep her findings a secret as she didn't know how Remus would take it.


Tulip hummed to a tune as she sat under a tree, reading her favourite book since she was a little girl: The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. Yet what she failed to realise was that somebody was sitting above her in the tree, watching her.

Regulus Arcturus Black wasn't quite sure wether to make his presents known or just to stay put. It was incredibly boring today, hence why he came outside, and if this girl could brighten it then he was all for it.

"Exactly how faraway is that tree?" He asked her as he swiftly jumped down from a lower branch, startling Tulip.

"You know, it's not nice to creep up on people," she answered as she grabbed the book that she had dropped off of the floor.

"I was by the tree before you, darlin', so that hardly counts as creeping up on you," he said as he leaned his back up against the bark.

"And why, exactly, are you talking to me? Aren't you snakes meant to hate us lions?" She asked him whilst lifting a delicate eyebrow.

"Maybe. But I'm not like all snakes," he replied, a smirk placed on his lips as he looked at the girl.

"Prove it," she said, now with a smirk of her own, as she and who Sirius called his 'evil brother' began to talk about the stupidest of things all though that day.

I get it that the chapters aren't that brilliant at the moment but I'm just trying to move things on a bit. Anyway I'm so sorry for the long wait it's just that I've been trying to start another book along side it but all books I try I end up deleting.
Have a great day/night!

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now