10. Bludgers and A Big Sister's Arms

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"Come on, Prim, it's for one game," James Potter encouraged as he chased his girlfriend around the lake.

"Fine," she relented after hour of refusing.

The reason that James Potter and Primrose Evans were in this situation was because of a certain black haired boy wanting her to wear his Quidditch jumper to the game, which she refused to do so.

"YES!" He shouted, pumping a fist into the air as Primrose laughed at her boyfriends antics.

"But," he groaned loudly at her words, "you've got to catch me first!" She stuck her tongue out at the boy and ran, her boyfriend hot on her heels.

Honestly Prim had never been a very good runner.


"GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR! GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR!" The stadium chanted as James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Frank Longbottom,Billius Weasley, Jackson Brown and Layla Treble raced around the stadium. James with his extra jumped on due to Prim having his.

She did receive a few strange looks at having the words '7 Potter' on her back but most seemed to understand what it meant, that they were together. However not all took it quietly as she did end up in a yelling match with Lily earlier that day.

"GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR! GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR!" Even threw the hail the words were being yelled with as much enthusiasm as when the sun was shining.

Bludgers were being fired at a rapid pace back and forth between the Beaters, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, whilst they tried to hit as many Slytherins off of their brooms as possible. Prim could barley see anything but the blur off Quidditch balls passing threw the sky, even Ki Jordan couldn't keep up with his commentary.

Finally she caught sight of James and Jackson passing the chasers ball between each other abnormally higher than usual in the sky.

"CHASERS POTTER AND BROWN ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE BALL!" Ki seemed to of finally been able to continue.


"TREBLE HAS SEEN THE SNITCH!" Prim didn't seem to care for that information, she just continued to look worriedly in the direction of her boyfriend.



"POTTER HAS BEEN HIT BY A BLUDGER!" Prim watched in horror as her boyfriend slipped off of his broom to the floor. Moments later it was announced that Gryffindor had won but Prim was already running down to the Hospital Wing where Madam. Pomfrey had taken James.

--•--•-- 2 Days Later --•--•--

The minute Madam. Pomfrey had given the okay for them to see James Prim had been straight threw the door.

"Prim?" He asked weakly as she ran into the hospital wing to his bed. They had only been together for three days at the time of the accident and he had already decided to get hit with a bludger.

"You could have died!" Prim stated angrily. "What would of happened if-"

"How about we just be thankful that he's not, hmm?" Sirius said as he wrapped James up into a hug. "You are an idiot, though, Prongs," he then added.

"Don't I feel loved," the man himself muttered as he squeezed Sirius tightly.


Should I tell him?
Should I tell my friends?
Should I tell my parents?

Sophia paced around the room, frantically trying to find an answer to her questions.

Would he want the baby?
Would he want me?

Those were the most frequent questions that were set in her brain. There was no way that she was going kill this baby [A/N I apologise for my wording, I was very young when I wrote this so my wording was chosen ignorantly], nor was she going to give him/her up for adoption. She was keeping it that was for sure, but what about him? He had a right to know but what if he wanted the baby gone? She knew this was defiantly not going to have a 'happy family' ending.

She put a hand threw her platinum blonde hair and sighed whilst thinking about what her late sister, Ariadne, would have said.

Darlin' tell your friends first,
Then the boy,
Then play happy families.

She knew how this was going to end for her. Alone, rejected, however she couldn't help but have hope that she could be wrong, that she'd be wanted and loved.

Tears flew down her cheeks as she thought of the mess she was in.

Oh, Aria, I wish you were here now, she thought to herself as she wrapped her hands around her ever growing stomach, pretending she was that little girl again with her sister singing her the lullabies her parents refused to do. Making her feel safe and loved once more.

I've rounded the voting down to three people for possible father's of Sophia's baby:

1) Lucius Malfoy
2) Remus Lupin
3) Frank Longbottom

Please vote!

Thanks for reading,


Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now