8. Sophia's Little Problem.

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Sophia Eleonora Zabini got back to the dorms later that night, careful to make sure she didn't wake any of the girls. She had had to... Alter her schedule that night due to a little run in. Nether the less she was here now and no problems had come from altering it and coming in later.

Or was there?

--•--•-- 4 Weeks Later (20th October) --•--•--

They were all eating, Sophia significantly more than the others, which was unlike her, when the headmaster stood up. Immediately all attention turned to him as he made his way up to the podium.

"Instead of having a Halloween themed ball this year we have decided to host a masquerade ball-" as soon as he announced that excited whispers travelled threw the crowd, "-you are not to bring a date and must have your face covered up. Fourth years and above only," even Sophia, who had began to get moody quite easily lately, couldn't help but join in with the excitement of a ball.


"Come on, Prim, we're going dress shopping!" Sophia squealed. All of the girls had took note of how she had been acting a bit different lately but now, it seemed, she has gone back to her same old self. There was no saying how long that would last for though.

Unlike her sister, Tulip, she had always held a love for shopping so at this news she shot up out of bed faster than should be possible and let out a squeal.


"Talon's Dresses?" Tulip asked, she and Phoenix though sulking at having to come were still stating ideas.


"Madam. Malkins?"

"That's more for robes,"

"Twitfit and Tatterlings?"


"Magical Majestic Ballgowns?"

"That's really expensive..."

"We'll go!"

And with that Prim and Sophia dragged everybody in.


Prim scanned the room, looking for any dresses that she thought would suit her. Eventually she picked up a royal blue and an emerald green (because it matched her eyes).

Trying on the emerald green one she looked in the mirror, although it was beautiful she thought it would suit Tulip better, thinking that she made a metal note to give it to her twin sister.

The royal blue one, she felt, didn't suit her hair colour. Her hair could only be described as blood red, the same with Tulip and Lily. Also that dress was a bit to short for her liking. Sighing she went out and began to look again after giving the emerald green one to her sister, who looked stunning in it.

Dorcas got a yellow dress, Marlene got a baby blue dress, Phoenix got a blood red dress which was identical to the Evans' triplet's hair and Sophia got a deep blue coloured dress. Prim was the last one to find her dress.

When she finally found a dress it was a beautiful purple one that she fell in love with just looking at it. Once she tried it on she actually felt like a Princess, like the beautiful Princesses her par- Gillian and Jonas always told Lily about.

Jewellery and shoes was the last things to get. Prim chose all silver and purple things which included a pendant necklace, bracelet, crown ring and silver masquerade mask. The last thing she chose were silver stilettos.

The last thing that she saw when she left the shop was Lily in a black dress that practically exposed her backside. She sighed as she thought of what her sister had become.

--•--•-- ( October 27th) --•--•--

Sophia Zabini ran to the bathroom at four o'clock in the morning to puke out all of that days food. Not only that she was late. Mentally she made a list of all of the things that had been happening to her in the past five weeks.

Sickness, no period, eating more, more moody. Sophia wasn't stupid she knew what it all added up to, she just didn't want it to be true.

"Revilio Pregi," she cast onto herself, she almost screamed at the results.

The green light that lit up the bathroom could only mean one thing:


She was pregnant.


"Alright class, look onto the board for your pairings, today we are going to be practicing the Patronus Charm," said Professor. Taylor as everybody adverted their gazes to the board.

Remus Lupin + Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew + Adrian Nott
Bellatrix Black + Marlene McKinnon
Severus Snape + Lillian Evans
Carlie Jones + Phoenix Jones
Leanna Rosa + Gunter Goyle
Dorcas Meadowes + Lucius Malfoy
Tulip Evans + Frank Longbottom
Sophia Zabini + Althaea Nott
Primrose Evans + James Potter

"Hello again, Prim," a voice behind Prim said. She swirled around to be face to face with James Potter.

"Er- Hi James," Prim replied, taking a step back from the said boy.

"Do you want to try first?" He asked.

"Erm, sure," She answered as she swished her wand and said the words,

"Expecto Patronum," but noting happened apart from a bit of mist.

"What memory were you thinking of?" He asked.

"When Tuney, Tulip and I were playing when we were little," Prim answered.

"That's not enough, try again. I'll help you, the arm movements weren't quite right," he said as he stood behind me holding my hand, his muscled against Prim's back.

With him behind me all Prim could think of was his beautiful, hazel eyes.

"Expecto Patronum," I casted, a doe burst out from my wand, when she realised there was no danger around she ran over to where James and Prim were standing and nuzzled against us. She let out a laugh as she galloped around drawing the attention of all those in the room.

A shocked James then casted the same spell, "Expecto Patronum," a stag burst out. Much like Prim's doe he looked around for danger before galloping over to my doe and nuzzling her. Prim blushed when she realised their position was much like hers and James' at the moment yet she made no attempt to move.


Who do you want the father to be? It can't be any of the boys on her list in the last chapter (like Sirius) because it said she added somebody to her list.

Don't worry Blaise Zabini will still be born just he will have an older sister/brother.


Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now