24. Just An Emotion.

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Prim watched with great amusement as her husband made colourful smokes come out of the end of his wand for their son to catch.

She then felt something wriggling down in her arms and turned to face hers and James' daughter, Rose Dorea Potter, she smiled down at the adorable baby. When she looked up she saw the clock.


"James," her husband looked up, "it's time for Harry and Rose to go to bed. It's way past their bedtime."

James pouted, "just a little bit longer," he begged, throwing his wand onto a far away couch. Prim glared at him and took Harry's hand.

"Nope," she replied, popping the 'p'. She was half way up the stairs when she heard a massive blast.

"Run! Prim it's him! Run and I'll hold him off!"

"I can't-"


Prim grabbed Harry, holding onto Rose tighter, and ran up the stairs at full pelt. As soon as she got to the nursery she put Harry and Rose into their cots and begun to barricade the door, though she knew it was all in vain.

He was a wizard after all.

She looked around frantically, there was no way of escape, no way of living.

Well not for her at least.

As she heard what was unmistakably the sound of a body falling to the floor she choked back a sob, but attempted to focus on remembering what to do.

"Here it is, Miss. Evans," a goblin told her as he handed over a massive book.

"Sir, is there any chance that you can tell me what spell Morgana used to save Ignotus?" The goblin looked rather surprised that she knew of this but he begun to flip threw the pages.

Prim could hear cruel laughter and footsteps downstairs and willed her memories to carry on.

Prim read threw it all and looked up to the goblin in confusion.

"Love?" Prim asked, looking extremely confused.

The goblin nodded and said, "nowadays people think of it as-"

The footsteps got closer and closer.

"-just an emotion-"

The door blew off of it's hinges and the infamous Dark Lord came in.

"-they don't know-"

"Step aside, silly girl, step aside!"

"-it's more than that-"

"Not Harry, not Rose, please,"

"-it's not just that-"

"Step aside, girl! I won't say it again!"

"-it's not just a word use to use to express emotion-"


"-it's a power."

Prim's body fell to the floor with a thump, her lifeless eyes staring out up into the unknown.

"Where is this power?" Prim asked.



The goblin paused, staring her straight in the eyes,

The two green lights came flying back at the hooded figure.

"It lives inside of us,"

The lights hit the monster like man and he let out an ear piercing scream.



I'm going to miss this SO much. :(.

What did you all think?

I'm a little unsure about the ending but you know...

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now