5. Fawn, Snow, Royal, Tigger and DarkEars.

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^ Outfit ^

Water. That was the thing that Prim woke up to that morning along with the laughter of four girls. As revenge she did a much more powerful water charm and got them all soaked head to toe. That was how the water fight began and stayed like that until Nix realised that they only had twenty minutes before classes began. That was how the fight to the bathroom started with Prim winning by telling them that there were two bathrooms and running in when their heads were turned.

"PRIM!" She heard Sophia complain loudly.

Hopping into the shower she turned it up to 42, she had always loved hot showers, along with her music playing No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley and Wailers, personally she thought it should be no man no cry. After ten minutes of the girls continuously banging on the door Prim came out leaving them all to fight over who went in next. Nix won by being accidentally pushed threw the door.

Putting on a white button up t-shirt, a high waisted black skirt, a Gryffindor tie, black converse, her red charm bracelet (I'm not sure if Pandora was around then, I'll research it in a bit) and her favourite gold stag necklace. Ever since a young age Prim had been attracted to stags, much like her best friend at Beauxbatons, Appoline, was attracted to Ravens. For makeup she put on black mascara, red lipstick, powder, blusher and eye shadow. She had never worn foundation. As well as putting her hair into a messy bun.

Sparing a look at the clock she saw that it was time to go. Grabbing her red Prada bag with all of her books in she yelled to the girls about the time. Immediately they stopped fighting and began to whine about how Sophia, Marlene and Dorcas didn't get showers. Forget that they weren't even dressed.

Great late on my first day.


"Miss. Jones, Miss. McKinnon, Miss. Zabini, Miss. Meadowes and our new student, Miss. Evans, how nice of you to grace us with your presents. Miss. Jones please take a seat next to Mr. Lupin, Miss. McKinnon next to Miss. Rosa, Miss. Zabini next to Mr. Pettigrew, Miss. Zabini next to the other Miss. Jones and Miss. Evans next to Mr. Potter," commanded the severe looking woman that had done the sorting for her Yesterday.

"Right now that those five have decided to turn up for class-" she glared at all of us, "- we will be taking a potion that sends you into your animal landscape, after ten minutes your partner must feed you the potion to get you out of there and then describe it to your partner. Your animal will also take a feature of yours up," Four potions arrived on each desk along with a stop watch.

"I'm James Potter," the rather handsome boy with black ruffled hair, glasses and mischievous hazel eyes introduced.

"I'm Primrose Evans," I replied, a smile that turned into a blush when I remembered who he was. This was the boy that went after my sister for years and now I've taken a liking to him?

"Been as we've got an hour to do this and only need twenty minutes, what do you think about pranks?" He asked with a lob-sided grin that could melt any heart. My face lit up as I grinned back and began to explain all the pranks that I did in Beauxbatons with him laughing along. That was until,

"Miss. Evans, Mr. Potter, I don't see how that conversation has anything to do with the lesson. We have fourth minutes left!" Professor. McGonagall said.

"Ladies first," I picked up the green potion and and gulped it down in one, it didn't look like a particularly nice potion so I wanted to get it over with. I was right. Clearly I had forgotten to sit down when drinking it so when I, in a way, blacked out I could feel James' arms lowering me down, his touch sent tingles. But it was then that the potion took hold of me.

I was in a meadow eating grass before I saw an upcoming lion, I galloped as fast as I could to stay away from the animal that thought of me as prey. Only after miles did I settle once more by the stream, the stream held my reflection in it.

I am a tall brown animal with white markings on my stomach and neck. I have wide emerald eyes, which I supposed would be the feature they were talking about. At first I thought I was a stag but I had no antlers, in their place were ears.

I am a doe.

I felt somebody but something carefully into my mouth, I drank it and was soon out of there.

"What animal are you?" He asked me, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"A doe, it's a bit strange really seeing that I'm the female version of the animal I've been obsessed with for years," I said, gesturing to my stag necklace. His eyes were wide, I titled my head at him, it was something that I always did when I was curious but it was a bit hard, I'm only 5'5 and he's 6'1 maybe 2. I was always the short one.

This time James sat down and then took the potion, winking at me as he did so making me flush red with embarrassment.

"Here we go!" He shouted before drinking the potion, like myself, in one. It was quite amusing to watch his face twist up due to the disgusting taste of the potion. At least it wasn't as bad as her run in with Polyjuice in her second year at Beauxbatons.

Suddenly he went into a trance, he looked so peaceful. She waited ten minutes before grabbing the other potion and putting it into his mouth, soon enough two hazel eyes opened up.

"A stag," he told her without her even questioning it, something told her that he had already knew what his Animagus form would be.

"Class dismissed!" McGonagall shouted over the bell as all of the students piled out.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now