9. Masquerade Ball

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^ Prim's Makeup ^ Dress was pictured in last chapter.

Thank you so much for 1k! I can't believe I've got there!
I'm sorry about my update being a bit overdue it's just that I've been ill lately and not really up to writing, though I have started another book, I'm not too sure about that one though.

I can't update the next chapter after this without you guys commenting about who you want the father to be because I've got not clue!

Anyway, enjoy.



"It's tonight!" Squealed Marlene as she grabbed her dress out of the bag and held it over herself, her baby blue dress swaying from side to side as she moved back and forth, trying to find her best angle.

Sophia, once again, was being suspiciously quite, she was really starting to worry some of the girls.

Dorcas let out a dreamy sigh, she hadn't been too keen on the idea at first but now that she's got her beautiful, yellow dress she couldn't wait.

"Let's start getting ready!" Marlene squealed again, causing some girls to clamp their hands to their ears.

"It's three hours yet," Tulip stated aghast, there was no way that she was going to get ready for a ball that was in three hours time.

"CRAP! We needed four, I'll have to shorten down the times then," Marlene muttered to herself as she began crossing things out on a notepad, Tulip looking at her with wide eyes.


"Ouch!" Prim complained as Sophia pulled on her hair again.

"Sorry," she replied with a grin. Only thirty seconds later did the name thing happen again.


"Soph, I think our work is done," announced Marlene, looking over at the four girls they had made over.

"So do I, Marl," the other blonde-haired girl responded.

"Well, now we need to make you two up," Prim said with a grin as she pulled Sophia into a seat to give her the same treatment that she gave her.

A lot of 'ouches' along the way.


"Finisimo," Dorcas announced at last, grinning as she did.

Prim now had blood-red curls trailing down to her waist, her purple princess dress making her look and feel like royalty, silver and purple accessories all over her along with sparkly silver stilettos. On her face was a beautiful, silver mask that practically shone, her glowing emerald eyes visible from behind.

"C'mon then, it's time," a stunning looking Nix shouted as the girls all practically ran (well as fast as you can in high heels/stilettos) towards the dorm door and began to make their way to the hall.


Music was blaring from the room by the time Prim, Sophia, Dorcas, Marlene and Nix got in, everybody fell silent as they turned to us, the ones who looked like royalty.

"Ugly, I don't see what they're looking at," Prim heard Lily scoff, in the same uncomfortably short and revealing black dress she saw her trying on the shop.

How far have you fell, Lily? Prim thought sadly to herself as she walked in the centre of the girls, after several moments more the music turned on again and everyone turned their attention back to that.

"Will you join me for a dance, my Princess?" Asked a dashing boy wearing a black suite and a gold mask. Prim's cheeks heated up and her heart warmed up when he called me 'Princess', only Lily was ever called that.

"Of course," Prim replied, Sh watched as Phoenix and Tulip too were whisked away, both complaining loudly that neither knew how to dance.

Just as Prim and the male entered the dance floor a new song came on-


A thousand years by Cristina Perri, Prim loved that song. The mysterious boy took her waist as she put hers on her shoulder. I had dated a fair few boys and went to a prom in Beauxbatons so, luckily, I did know how to dance.

"You really do look like a Princess you know," he whispered into my ear, I felt my face flush.

"Thank you," I whispered back as he took me into a twirl, "so when do you plan on ditching me?"

"I don't plan on going anywhere, at least not until midnight. I want my midnight kiss, milady," he replied, I was blushing hard as he leaned me back into his arms after yet another twirl.

"I love this song," she stated as they began to move, gracefully, up and down the dance floor, not noticing the many stares they were getting.

"So does my mum," he replied with a chuckle as they both leaned into each other to dance slower. Prim couldn't help but let a giggle escape her lips.

"How does dancing until midnight sound to you, then I get my kiss,"

"If your a good boy,"



The clock chimed twelve.

"It's time for the revealing," Professor. Dumbledore announced to all the dancing partners.

"Do you want to go first?" Prim asked the golden masked boy.

"Together," he replied, after Prim's nod the boy untied his mask and she gradually pulled hers off.

Under the mask was a familiar boy, messy black hair sticking up at all angles, aristocrat features and her favourite hazel eyes, alight with mischief. She was drinking in his features, well aware that he was doing the same.

"James?" She asked timidly.

"Primrose?" He asked, obviously not hearing her question. After several moments he added, "I believe you owe me a kiss,"

She nodded and he leaned in, his eyes closed. She closed her eyes too and waited for him to reach her, when he sis she had never felt anything like it, like fireworks.

"Always," he muttered against lips, if not for the deep love in the kiss would have never had known what he meant.

"Always," she muttered back before continuing their kiss.


I loved doing this chapter! Anyway I've got a few things to clear up. Billius Weasley is Arthur Weasley's younger BROTHER Bill Weasley's real name is William so Billius is NOT Arthur's son, Bill.


Thanks for reading.

Primrose Evans (1) : Lily Evans' Twin  And James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now