Imagine #13: Seasons Change But People Don't (Part 4)

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Imagine #13: Seasons Change But People Don't (Part 4)

You honestly enjoyed your day off, most especially when you're spending it with your childhood friend, Andy. The both of you did the usual thing you often do...go to amusement parks and eat everything you like. He was your friend since kindergarten and it's been a while since you saw him and finally, you're making it up to him today.

But, of course, since Patrick was a bit kind to you today and he noticed that you changed, you decided to give the favor back to him. Before you meet up with Andy, you took the effort to make him a packed lunch and left it in his office.

"Please, give that to Patrick. Tell him I made him a packed lunch." You said to the kind secretary and she smiled at you.

"You're really sweet, {Y/N}. Out of all the personal assistant he has, you're the one who lasted this long and the one that's more caring to him." She said with a smile and that also made you smile.

"Well, I guess I'm more patient with his stubborn attitude." You joked and laughed.

"And you're really brave to fight back." She said. "I'll give it to him later, you enjoy your day off."

"Thanks!" you said before heading off.

Finally, you let go of that moment you heard him said those things to you. Patrick's just really stubborn, you thought.


"Patrick! Dude, you're burning up. You should go home early and don't come in tomorrow." Pete told Patrick because he's obviously sick right now.

"Pete, you know I can't do that. There's an important meeting tomorrow with the other companies, they'll kill me if I'm not there." Patrick said weakly as he cough roughly.

"Oh come on, you're killing yourself, dude." His best friend told him.

"Don't worry, I can do it. I'll just leave early so I can rest for a bit and still come in tomorrow. Mind to end up my work?" he asked and Pete just sighed.

"Sure thing, just don't push yourself too much if you really can't go." He said and Patrick left the vicinity weakly.

He decided to go to a pharmacy for a while to get some medicines and coincidentally, you and Andy were there too to buy some medicines for Andy's mother. Patrick immediately saw you with him. He was mesmerized with how happy you look while talking with Andy and somehow, he wished that you would be like that with him. He saw that Andy put his arms around you and his jealousy gets the hold of him. He walked up to you and you were shocked to see him there.

"Patrick?...Um, I mean...sir, what are you doing here?" he asked me in shock and Andy just formally looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" Patrick asked sassily and of course, you weren't taken back with that kind of attitude.

"Well, I'm with my friend. He's buying some medicines for his mother. Andy, meet Mr. Patrick's my boss." You said with a smile and Andy lend a hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sir Patrick." He said and of course, Patrick didn't shake his hands.

You looked at him as if you are saying 'rude, much?' but just let it slide.

"Come on, {Y/N}, let's head home." Patrick told you.

"Andy, can bring me ho—

"Let's head home, I got a come on." He insisted and you sighed at his stubbornness.

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