Imagine #104: Split (Part 2)

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Imagine #104: Split (Part 2)

You just told Patrick what have been happening to him earlier and you hate yourself for putting him in that situation, he looked so upset, worried and sad. You told him everything about this other identity of him, he first though you were just joking but then he realized that those black outs he has proves to what you are saying to him and also you showed him some of the bruises that other side of him inflicted on you and that fact broke him more. Now he doesn't even let you go near him.

"Patrick, please, come on. This is not the solution to this." you told him as you followed him to the room. He's already thinking of moving out of the house.

"Princess, I could hurt fact, I did already and I'm not letting that happen again!" he told you with sadness and worry in his eyes. You can't stop yourself but feel sad for him too, but you have to put him together. You walked towards him and gave him a warm hug and fortunately hugged you back. "I have no idea what I'm doing during these black outs, it's like I'm being possessed or something and this other me, this alter, is a really different person from who I am. I'm afraid what he can do, most especially to you." he said.

"We're in this together, angel. And do you think with that condition I'm going to let you live on your own? Who knows what could you do! At least when you're here with me I can stop you and keep an eye on you. Please, trust me and we'll seek help, I'm sure you can get this under your control." you told him with a hopeful tone and a smile. Finally, Patrick smiled back.

"Okay, but please, i-if this alter starts hurting you again...promise me, you'll fight back even if it hurts me." he said seriously and you had no choice but to nod.

After the talk you had, you and Patrick headed to the specialists that can help you deal with this disorder. They run some tests and therapies that time just to check if he really is having the exact problem and soon enough the specialist is already talking to the both of you.

"I'm afraid that Mr Stump really has dissociative identity disorder or popularly known as multiple personality disorder. It seems the stress and high levels of anxiety last couple of months have triggered the disorder. It seems that, luckily, you only have one alter. This alter is this another personality that appears whenever you are feeling nervous or having a high level of anxiety. I'll have you know that this is very dangerous Mr. Stump,most especially because of what your girlfriend have describe your behavior whenever this alter of yours appear. I have prescribed some medicines that will help you to get through your anxiety and I'll be fixing an appointment for a weekly therapy for you. Don't worry, most cases gets over the disorder in not time. Just don't let it in, Mr. Stump, you have to remember that it's still you that controls your body." she said. Patrick was just holding your hand the whole time and you know he's afraid too.

The disorder doesn't seem too serious, but what this alter can do is what's making him nervous. After that you both just walked to the car with Patrick being so silent, finally you decided to break that worrying silence.

"We'll get through this. She said it goes away too...don't worry I'll be--

"Y/N, I d-don't need these drugs again or that therapy. How can they be sure that I won't just go out there and do stupid things. I'm worried about that! Whenever this alter appears. I don't think it can...

"Patrick, please. They are helping you to decrease the chances of it appearing. Look at you now, you're inviting it in. You're nervous, your anxiety is eating you. Come on, 'Trick. You'll be fine, we'll be fine, okay?" you cheered him up. "We'll get through this." you smiled then cupped his cheeks and kissing him on the lips.

Thankfully you felt him smile through the kiss and you shared that moment for a couple of seconds, until suddenly he started to bite your lips hard.

"Aw! Patrick, that hurt!" you pulled back because you were shocked and you even tasted some blood from your lips.

"Gotta be honest, you're a good kisser, love." his tone has changed and you were stunned there just staring at him.

You remembered what the doctor said to you earlier...this is a whole different personality. You need to know who he is just to get a grip on who you are dealing with whenever he appears.

"W-who are you?" you asked.

"Just a guy who loves to have fun with pretty girls like you, babe." he then winked after that. "If you want a name, call me Vaughn." he continued.

Suddenly, he looked in the mirror in the car and looked shocked when he saw his reflection. He, then, get his fedora off his head and threw it at the back of the car. He messed his hair and you had to be honest with yourself, he looked hot while doing so. He also fixed his clothes and after that he looked at you again.

"There, much better." he said with a smirk.

"So, uh, I'm y/n and somehow I'm your girlfriend, you need to follow my instructions." you said, trying to test him and all you got from that was a mocking laugh.

"No can do, honey. You might be pretty and sexy, but there's also a lot of girls more than you out there and there's a lot to do! I can't stay here to listen to your needs." he said while still chucking mockingly and you have to admit what he said hurt you a lot.

'It's not, Patrick talking...get yourself together.' you said to yourself.

"Okay, Vaughn, whatever you say. Just don't expect me to let you out of my sight. I'll be with y--...Hey, where are you going?!" he suddenly just got off the car mid-sentence and of course you followed him. "Hey!"

"Love, you might be my pretty girlfriend, but you irritate me. I need my space and my fun time and you can't stop me." he said sassily. You never imagined Patrick being like this...such a jerk and douche. He looked like one of those bullies in the movies, only difference is the guy is short...but still, with this attitude, he's intimidating. "And to answer your question, I'm going wherever the party is going because I'm not gonna come home alone tonight, baby." he said then winked at you and continued to walk leaving you in there with your jaw slightly hanging.

'He's going to be a pain in the ass.' you thought as you followed this other personality of your boyfriend.

{Hope you're enjoying! Thanks for reading and I would like to thank Fedoragirl for the facts about the multiple personality disorder, she helped me to get the facts straight and I'm sorry if I still had some things wrong! Thanks again :)}

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