Imagine #42: Band's Representative (One-Shot)

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Imagine #42: Band's Representative (One-shot)

"Does it really has to be me? A lot of our classmates are good in singing and playing the guitar too." You reasoned out with your project leader. He is now currently encouraging you to perform in front of the freshmen class to persuade and inspire them to join your Live Band Club.

"Oh, come on, Y/N. You'll do great and you're like the punk princess of the club and these freshmen loves pop punk." He said, well you can't really disagree to that, you're even wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt right now. "Now, here's your guitar, go inside and show them what you've got!" He encouraged you and immediately pushed you inside.

The freshmen students saw you and they all grew excited when they saw you wearing an FoB shirt and they all cheered.

"Fall Out Boy! Fall Out Boy." They continued chanting and suddenly all your nervousness subsided. You felt that you were a part if the band and you're currently representing them in front if these students now.

You smiled at them and they continued to cheered.

"Um, hey guys. So I'm one of the members of the Live Band Club, so I'm just here to perform and maybe inspire you to join us. Promise, it'll be great." You said shyly as you sat on the teachers table while you hold unto the guitar.

They cheered once more and after a while they fell into silence. You smiled and you let the music hit you.

You started playing the intro of 'My songs know what you did in the dark" and almost all of them immediately recognized it.

"B-b-be careful making wishes in the dark, dark
Can't be sure when they hit the mark, mark
And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart" you continued the song having that passion and talent in performing and everyone was in awe.

You just sang the first verse and the chorus after stopping and they all applauded after you performed. You stood up and bowed in front of them. Suddenly, you noticed that they were all whispering to each other while looking at the door. You were about to ask why, but a voice of guy stopped your movement.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Someone said and he really seemed that he enjoyed the performance. You managed to look by the door and there he was....Patrick Stump.

You almost lost grip to your guitar and just stupidly stare at your ultimate inspiration in music.

"Oh sorry for being rude and not introducing myself. I'm Patrick Stump and I'll be this class' advicer is music studies...I just happen to walk by at the rigjt time to find a perfect girl representative of my band." He said proudly as he walked inside the classroom.

"M-Mr. Stump, I'm so honored to finally meet personally meet you." You managed to say while you feel your face blushing so much that it might pop.

Patrick chuckled and stared at you in amazement. He suddenly messed up your hair and pat it for a second.

"Aaaawww." The students said in union as they saw the scene.

"Same here, Ms. Y/N, glad I wad able to see you here." He said then his voice suddenly became quieter. "Maybe we can talk later about your club and your types of music?" He asked.

Of course, you just smiled and nodded at him before going out...almost fainting when you reached the hallways.

{Thanks for reading guys! Sorry if this isn't good. I just had the idea because this somehow happened to me yesterday (of course, except Patrick being able to see and hear me xD) but I felt like I was a representative of the band because students started chanting the band's name when they saw. It was an amazing feeling! Hahah xD Oh well.

So if somehow you want a kind-off SEQUEL to this imagine, go and read my one-shot fanfic "Let's Be Alone Together" (its a smut one-shot that is somehow aligned to this story) so yeah. THANKS!!!}

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