Imagine #76: Poisoned Youth (Part 9)

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Imagine #76: Poisoned Youth (Part 9)

'Alarm: Hour-long gig tonight at one simple club...'

Your phone has been ringing and reminding you for that event for the night, you're still Patrick's PA no matter what happened so you had to help him tonight...well, if he even let you go near him. But you really have no idea if he's angry at you or if he's avoiding you, it's more on like you're the one that doesn't want to be with him for the're still in disbelief that he doubted you that fast.

You're currently driving towards the venue now and you can see that their van had already arrived in there. You parked your car and immediately walked inside the venue, finding the crew arranging their equipment on the stage.

"Hey, Y/N, Patrick and the boys are already in their dressing room. Patrick's been looking for you too." one of their security said to you the moment he sees you. You smiled at the guy then nodded at him.

"Thanks." You said before walking towards the dressing. "Okay, just act professional now, all problems aside first." You murmured to yourself then after that you knocked on the door.

Seconds later, the door opened and you immediately saw Patrick inside. He looked at you in shock and it like he want to hug you that moment.

"Hey, um, sorry I'm late. I'll get you ready now." You said, really avoiding eye contact with him.

You made yourself busy with preparing all of his clothes and equipment to be used that night and somehow you can still see him looking at you worriedly, but surely he's feeling that you're avoiding him. Time flies and they are now about to go on stage, Patrick was the last one to leave the dressing room, leaving you both alone in there.

"Y/N...t-the other night, I was...I am really sorry, I was just so confused and –

"You believe it do you?" you asked with a sad smile on your face, you're not even looking at him. "Of course, that's the only possible explanation while all of a sudden you fell for me." You continued and Patrick walked closer to you. "Please, Patrick, not now. Just focus on your show." You stopped him then smiled.

After that you left him there, you're already feeling guilty on doing that since you know he'll be frustrated again, but now's really not the time. You just walked to the audience area and decided to watch the concert too.

Of course, they are still great, but to be honest, Patrick's really not that enthusiastic tonight. You also catches him gazing at you at times which make you worry for him more.

"Thank you for coming tonight, everyone. I hope you had a good time!" Pete said over the microphone and the audience cheered.

"So for our last, this is one of our latest song, you might have heard it on a Disney Film too. This song is also completed by a stunning girl present in here now, really, if it wasn't for her, this song will be incomplete and somehow I-I'll be incomplete too." He said shyly and cutely too. You stared at him in shock, you don't even know if that potion doubled the effect now. "This is for you Y/N." he said and the audience had gone 'aawww' over that.

The band performed their new song 'Immortals' and Patrick dedicated the performance for you. You just wanted to go up there and ask 'why the hell would you do that? You knew you're under a love potion and it's like you're even spoiling it now!' But somehow, you have to admit that what he did hit you like a homerun again. What he did now is all too sweet, but then again, you know that it's still all fake.

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