Imagine #143: Dare Me Not (Part 5)

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Imagine #143: Dare Me Not (Part 5)

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

"Sweetie, wake up, the university is closing now." I suddenly heard that almost made me jump.

My whole brain and body panicked the moment I woke up.

My presentation. I'm not done with it!

I quickly looked at the computer and I was shocked to what I found there. It was done...someone have helped me finished it. I also looked at my notes and the books, all was well organized.

"H-have you seen someone going through my things here?" I asked the security that woke me up.

"No, did you lose something?" She kindly asked. I just smiled at her and shook my head no.

"No, it's not that." I said. "Thank you for waking me. I'll leave now too." I continued, getting all of my things before we walked out of the college.

"Be careful on your way home." She told me before I left the university and I smiled at her.

My head was honestly still wondering on who helped me. Whoever she/he is, I'm forever thankful for him/her. Looks like I've got people backing me up against that Big 4. I honestly can't wait for tomorrow.


I'm currently presenting in front of my classmates now with a confident smile. I've been speaking for an hour now and I'm so happy I got their attention too. They're not bored with me presenting and maybe my confidence helped in that too.

Some of my classmates are just enjoying listening to me while some are amazed, like Meagan. BUT, my most favorite is Elaine's and Sam's expression. When I was starting their fiendish smile can be obviously seen, but as I progress through my report, their smiles vanished which was replaced by annoyed expression. Pete, on the other hand, was just silent but listening to me attentively and Patrick...well, I honestly don't know. It's like he's showing an awe yet annoyed expression. There are times I saw him smiling proudly then suddenly being serious and annoyed, it's confusing.

I just continued with my presentation and our professor was amazed too, like she didn't really expect me to do it too, meaning someone, or more likely - the Big 4 have teamed up with her to do this to me...Well, now they got what they want.

"Very ver VERY impressive, Ms. Y/N. You covered everything and you didn't make us feel exploding due to information overload. You presented your topics well." Our professor said the moment I was done and I must say I'm proud of myself too.

"Thank you, Ma'am...but honestly, someone has helped me. I don't know who he or she is. Yesterday, I just went to the library and read about these topics and did my notes. I started to do my presentation afterwards, but I fell asleep, and the moment I woke up, my powerpoint presentation is all done." I explained, but our professor kept on smiling at me. "Even though he or she just  typed my notes in my presentation, I don't want to get the perfect credits for. So whoever you are, if you're in this room...thank you, you saved me." I honestly said with a genuine smile. My eyes wander around and suddenly I noticed Patrick not looking at if he's not interested to what I'm saying.

"You've got my respect, Ms. Y/N. I'll keep what you said in mind. You may take your seat. Thank you." She said and the class gave me an applaude before sitting down.

I walked between the space of Patrick and Elaine's seats. I was just smiling proudly as I walk and I can see the annoyance in Elaine's eyes and Patrick on the other hand was just smirking at me on the same manner.

I actually enjoy this...they are really messing with the wrong person.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

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