Imagine #138: As Long As I Love You

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Imagine #138: As Long As I Love You

{Requested by: iimayoungblood. Thanks for the request and enjoy everyone!}

You and Patrick are on a dinner date right now. It wasn't that much of a fancy place, but it was quite nice. You and he have been going out for a while but things between the both of you isn't that official yet. You're just taking it slow and enjoying the company of each other.

This night, however, was quiet unusual. Patrick was a bit silent and nervous, like he was itching to tell you something, but couldn't. You know he's tryinf his best to act normal, but you just know something's not right.

"'Trick? Is everything okay?" You sincerely asked with a small smile. Patrick was taken back, but managed to smile back.

"Y-yeah...I just...I mean, yeah." He said reluctantly. You laughed lowly and his eyes wandered everywhere expect your eyes. You were worried of course, you hoped it wasn't that serious.

Your date continued on the same manner and finally you were both done eating. You both walked towards Patrick's car. You silently climb the car and waited for him to sit.

"You know you can tell me everything." You told him as you hold his hand.

You felt his hand ice cold, the guy is really nervous and it's making you nervous too. Patrick suddenly let out a shaky chuckle and when you looked at him, he was already shedding some tears.

"God, why am I so nervous." He murmured silently.

"You're making me nervous too, Stump." You said with a low laugh. Patrick suddenly looked at you, cupping your cheeks whike staring at you.

"I'm just so scared to lose you if I tell you something I've been dying to anxiety is eating, all those past when people rejects me is haunting me again." He said with his low voice. You can feel the sincerity in his words too.

"Patrick, don't be silly, only people out of their mind would reject you." You said while laughing.

"You don't understand, princess. Y-you don't know me...not yet." He said as his lips tremble. You hated seeing him like this, you just don't want to see it.

"Then tell me everything, Patrick." You said with a smile. "You know how much I love the whole of you." You said.

"God, I wish that will never change." He murmured then he kissed you. It lasted for some minutes but you never wanted to end it.

Patrick broke the kiss and he took something from the car drawer. It eas some papers and pictures and he handed it to you. The poor guy's hand is shaking so much, you just want to hold him.

You took the files and picture and read them. It was a picture of a baby girl up until the age of around eight to nine. You have no idea who it was, but the papers answered your questions.

"Patricia Marie Stumph..." You read and looked at him.

"That was me...before all this. Before this masculinity, before Patrick. Within an early, I know and feel that I am not meant to be a girl, it just didn't feel right for me. My parents are very supportive of me and because of this I...Patrick...happened. I am a transgender, Y/N and I'm so so sorry that I just told you this right now. I'm sorry!" He said while he cried and you just stared at him.

Yes, you were shocked but that didn't change your feelings for him. You put all the papers away and pulled him in for a tight hug and he responded with the same manner.

"Geez, you really have me worried for a second there!" You whispered to him while laughing lowly.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just so scared...the people I've told this just hated me and went away from me almost immediately. I thought of not telling you, but I just can't, I can't live with hiding this secret to the person I want to spend my life with." He said that melted your heart right that instant.

"Patrick Martin Stumph...or Patricia Marie Stump, i'll just put this in a song. I don't care who you are, where you're from, don't care what you long as you love me...and as long as I LOVE YOU." You told him with all honesty. You looked at him in the eyes, wiping his tears away. "I love you and you love me and that's what matters, okay? You know, I never really care about gender, Patrick. It might not be obvious, but I really don't care, as long as I love someone...whoever or whatever he/she/it is. I will not stop loving them, seriously. So don't think that I'll reject you or anything. Cheer're my best friend, my partner and my love and a sexual orientation will not change that." You explained and Patrick just whimpered there while chuckling. "And honestly you look ugly while crying." You teased and you both laughed.

Patrick wiped his tears away and faced you again.

"I love you so much, you know that?" He said.

"Same to you, Patrick. Same to you." You playfully said while holding his hands. Accepting the whole of him and finally moving forward with your relationship.

{I loved writing this! I'm with Y/N's character here :) Just follow what you love! Hope you're all doing well! Lovelots from me, stay stunning!}

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