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Disclaimer - I do not own the movie: the internship or the basic storyline and I do not own any of the characters except from Cora Murphy. I do not own any of the actors playing these characters, Dylan O'Brien etc... Although I wish I did.

Google » Stuart Twombly

"But I don't want to go, Graham, you can't tell me what to do." Cora argued, her self-obsessed boyfriend, Graham, had been trying to get Cora to go on an internship with him to Google. She could do it, she was smart enough, she was in a good university and had all of the ability, she just hated giving in to things her boyfriend wanted her to do.

"Why not? You go to Stanford, you have brains, you know this stuff. And so do I, so if we both get the jobs then we will be really well off. You're not listening to a word I'm saying!" Graham yelled, in that really annoying British accent.

Cora wished he'd never moved over there, to America. Then she would never have met Graham and they wouldn't be standing there and having this argument right now. You're probably thinking, why doesn't she just dump him? Well, Graham is very, possessive. Cora had tried to break up with him a number of times, and none of them ended well, so she just left it how it was, slowly loosing hope that she'd ever get away. She wanted someone who actually wanted her, not just for the sake of having a girlfriend for his "reputation".

They'd been in a relationship, just over a year, and shared an apartment. Things were okay in the beginning, but as time went on, Graham got more and more self-obsessed, Cora had no say in anything.

"I am listening, you're the one not listening to me. I have the right to make my own decisions." Cora said, trying to speak calmly so this wouldn't turn into anything worse.

She then thought, what if it's an opportunity to meet new people? She could get away and distance herself from Graham, and finally find new people. Which she'd been dying to do for a long time, because all of Graham's friends were so far up his ass they couldn't see the truth of how much of a dick he was.

"End of discussion, I have my ways, I already got us both a place. They said your achievements and skills alone were enough to give you a place. We're going to San Francisco tomorrow, pack your bags and be ready." Graham informed Cora, not taking no for an answer.

"Can I please have one condition?" Cora asked, her plan in the back of her mind.

"What condition?"

"You have to let me do things on my own, let me choose the people I surround myself with and you can't drag me around with you all summer." Cora said sternly, already completely done with this conversation, well she was done with it since the conversation started.

"Fine, if it makes you happy, which isn't my priority anyway so you might as well make yourself happy on your own." Graham rolled his eyes, and left Cora standing in the kitchen of their shared apartment.

Her blood was boiling, she couldn't take this much longer, she was about to explode, but she amazingly held it together. She pushed her brown hair out of her eyes in frustration. Then she herself went to pack her things, ready for the day ahead.

Maybe, she thought, just maybe this time it'll work, maybe this time I'll get away from him.

Google » Stuart TwomblyWhere stories live. Discover now