
5.6K 133 25

This story just hit 100k and I'm actually like crying right now because none of my stories have ever been this successful. I'm so proud of myself, and I'm thankful to every single reader who has taken time out of their lives to read my writing. It honestly makes me so happy, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This is actually so big for me and I'm just so shocked, I never thought I'd get here and I just can't believe it. I appreciate you all, and I may give you bonus #2 in celebration. I apologise it has taken so long, my life has been pretty busy recently, I wanna get back into writing more soon.

So again thank you to everyone SO MUCH I could not have got here without you, obviously, I feel like I have achieved something I've been waiting for, for a very long time. I've been writing for like five or six years, so many failed attempts. It's all worth it in the end, so if you're thinking of writing one just go for it. It may get an unexpected response, which surely happened to me. I feel like an emotional wreck now lmao, thanks for all the comments I'm still getting every day and I read every single one!

Thank you all for everything I could not be happier.

- Erin

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