three - so you're wrong

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As they were walking to the meeting area, Cora happened to be next to Stuart who was still on his phone. She sighed and shook her head jokingly with a laugh.

"So, we're you so busy on your phone that you couldn't find a team?" Cora taunted, looking at him briefly.

"I don't know if you realised, but you didn't find a team either." Stuart stated, rolling his eyes and adjusting his glasses.

"At least I found one person, you found nobody." Cora argued, pulling her bag strap up her arm because it was falling down.

"Oh shut up-"

Stuart was cut off by Lyle, trying to get some team spirit. "Alright, let's get some meet and greet up in this heezy!"

They were in the meeting room now, Stuart sat on the red sofa, Billy and Nick were sat on the arms of the sofa. The guy with the name she didn't know was stood next to Billy and Cora and Neha were sat on spiny chairs as Lyle stood at the front.

"I'm Lyle and it's pretty much wysiwyg, what you see is what you get. Been here at the goog for four years, working on seven projis en este momento." Lyle said, everything he said sounding like he was trying to rap, but he was failing miserably.

"Wow, seven projects?" Nick seemed amazed.

"Well, they ask and I doos it. What can I say, I'm a people pleaser, especially with the ladies, ma mercedes." He said the last part to Cora and Neha, but they just raised their eyebrows at him. "So yeah it's all good in Lyle's hood ya heard?"

"Yeah um, is Lyle gonna always be referring to himself in the third person because if he is I might wanna punch Lyle in the face." Stuart interjected, looking up from his phone for a moment, he looked pretty ticked off.

"Ok... Tough but fair good note," Lyle laughed nervously. "Lyle's still a little nervous, uh shh, first time manager Lyle's a first time ma- I'm gonna stop doing that, cut it out, keep it to first and second person." Lyle told himself off in between speaking, the rest of the group just found it entertaining. Lyle clapped his hands, trying to move on. "Who's next?"

"My name is Yo-Yo Santos." The boy who Cora didn't know waved.

"Yo-Yo! How 'bout a high five?" Billy raised his hand for a high five, but Yo-Yo flinched and backed away. Everyone now wore confused expressions.


"Woah." Nick said, echoing Billy.

"Yo-Yo I'm easy buddy I come in peace!" Billy held his hands up in surrender.

"Yo-Yo, did you get beat up a lot in school?" Nick asked him.

"I was homeschooled by my mom." He reluctantly admitted.

"Did you get beat up a lot in homeschool?" Billy asked.

"Discipline is a very important part of growth, but my mother was actually a very nurturing person for example she provided me selflessly with the milk of her bosom until I was seven years old."

Everyone either gave Yo-Yo a confused or blank stare.

"Seven?" Lyle mumbled in shock.

"So it's like you're tying your shoe, climbing trees, blowing up fireworks and... You've right on mom you've got mouth on mom?" Billy asked, to make sure Yo-Yo was being serious.

"Breastfeeding leads to a higher iq." Yo-Yo said whilst nodding.

"Actually the science isn't quite definitive on that." Nick started to speak, Stuart shook his head and rolled his eyes and began to do some research. "I was bottle fed it never slowed me down, vitamins are vitamins weather they come from a teat or baba."

"Wrong." Stuart stared in a bored tone of voice, as always. Everyone turned to him as it was the first time he had spoken in the meeting, well other than telling Cora to shut up.

"Sorry what was that?" Nick asked as he turned to Stuart.

"Wrong." Stuart repeated. "The teat or baba thing, it's wrong. I just googled it, so, you're wrong." Stuart said to Nick, using hand gestures to speak. Cora was trying not to laugh, she found the situation hilarious.

Everyone stared at him, because he hadn't yet introduced himself. "Oh yeah, I'm Stuart." He said, and then slouched back down into the sofa.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Stuart. You know you can't trust everything you read on the-" Nick started to talk, but Stuart cut him off.

"The journal of the American medical association? Sounds pretty trust worthy, says that breast milk has more nutrients and that those nutrients are more easily digested and absorbed. Your confusion is understandable though, you were bottle fed." Stuart said with a sarcastic smile, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"He's right that's right!" Yo-Yo eagerly agreed.

"Woah, guys, where's all this hostility come from?" Billy asked no one in particular.

"Where did you think it was coming from you big tree." Stuart sat forward, making fun of how oddly tall Billy was. "Two sixths of our team are make up of two old guys who don't know shit."

"Wow." Nick sighed.

"Ok, guys." Neha started. "I for one are very happy to have two strapping mature gentlemen on the team."

"Thank you!" Nick said gratefully.

"Oh I'm Neha by the way! Oh uh but work wise, yeah, your "skills" aren't really relevant here or really in this millennium. So, stay out of our way we're gonna do this shit on our own." Neha smiled, and sat down.

"Well I'm loving this friction that's how you get a fire started, I'm Nick and this is my pal Billy and despite what you may think we're here just like the rest of you running down a dream." Nick waved to everyone.

Cora guessed it was her turn to introduce herself, so she stood up.

"Hi everyone, I'm Cora Murphy. I was forced to be here so don't expect me to be all that enthusiastic, although I might get into it you never know." Cora started, trying to give off a nice impression. "Oh and Billy, if that offer is still up for grabs I'd be happy to take it."

"Wait what offer?" Stuart asked, his phone was now placed in his pocket and not a few inches in front of his face.

"She has an idiotic boyfriend that I'm gonna help her get away from." Billy smiled, looking like he was already putting together a master plan.

"Who is it?" Stuart asked, Cora wondered why he was so curious.

"And why would you want to know smart ass?" Cora argued, smirking and raising her eyebrow.

"Because I'm curious geez let me live." Stuart put his hands up in surrender.

"I want to know too Cora, tell us." Neha pushed.

"Ok, do you guys know Graham Hawtrey?"

"That total dick who has the horrible British accent?" Neha asked, shocked. Cora nodded, squeezing her eyes shut ashamed.

"He cut me off and didn't even give me a chance to be on his team." Yo-Yo said sadly.

"Trust me you don't want to be on it, I only just got away." Cora sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Why don't you just dump him it's not that hard." Stuart stated the obvious.

"Listen, Stuart, it's not as easy as it sounds. Believe it or not, I've tried. Every single time it never ever ends well and I don't really want to put myself through anything like that again, but hopefully he'll find someone better over the summer." Cora sat back down, folding her arms.

"Well, nice okay, team Lyle!" Lyle cheered, but no one joined in despite his attempts. "No okay we'll workshop that, it's in beta. Okey doke, our translate lecture is in fifteen minutes!"

As everyone started to leave, Stuart couldn't help but think that Cora had been through some bad times, she deserved better. He actually considered helping Billy with his master plan. No, I don't have a crush, I just want to be nice for once. Stuart thought.

Who am I kidding, I'm never nice.

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