fifteen - google helpline

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Cora and Neha were in Neha's room, Cora was on her way back from her strange encounter with Stuart, which made her feel slightly light headed and weak, when Neha texted her to come over. Cora didn't know what it was about Stuart, it just seemed that whenever she'd get close her heart rate would pick up and she would just feel completely lost when she looked at him.

Cora was slowly coming to terms with the fact that she had grown feelings for Stuart, and she didn't know what to do. It was strange, she'd never experienced these type of feelings before, because with Graham it was all for the sake of a relationship. But Stuart, was a whole different story.

"Wait... You what?" Neha asked in surprise, she looked like she was about to scream of happiness at hearing what Cora had just told her.

"Yes I almost kissed him." Cora repeated, bracing herself for whatever Neha had to say because, boy that girl had a crazy mind.

"You're not joking with me right? You're serious?" Neha's eyes widened and she covered her agape mouth with her palms.

"Yes how many times do I have to say I'm being ser-" Cora started but got cut off by Neha.

"Oh my jesus christ, this is amazing! My ship is sailing!" Neha practically screamed. Cora shh'ed her before anyone could hear, especially Stuart because he was only down the hall.

"What? Okay don't even tell me, but please shut up Neha you're being too loud." Cora said warningly.

"Okay, okay I'll shut up. But please tell me how it went down like why the hell didn't you kiss him I mean I would've been all over that-" Neha stopped herself, realising that she'd started to go a little bit too far.

Sometimes, well, all the time Neha could get a little over excited. She was all into that shipping stuff and 'otps' and fanfiction, and for Cora a lot of it was quite difficult to understand.

"Trust me Neha, I kind of wanted to." Cora admitted, looking down. It kind of hit her, that she really liked Stuart.

"Well why didn't you?" Neha asked as if it was a crime.

"Because." Cora stated bluntly, not quite sure how to explain it.

"Because?" Neha pushed.

"Just because!" Cora snapped, and Neha put her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay! But come on Cora, there's got to be a reason." Neha shook her head and examined her nails whilst adjusting her sitting position on her bed. "I mean who wouldn't want to kiss him."

"Neha." Cora said warningly giving her a glare.

"I'm just being honest!" Neha said defensively. "Not my type anyway, I already ship you two way too hard."

"Stop with the shipping stuff." Cora warned, falling back on Neha's bed and starring up at the celling.

"I can't," Neha said through a yawn. "Please tell me why you didn't kiss him."

"Well- I just... I guess it's because I feel like he doesn't like me back." Cora sighed, rubbing her eyes because it was getting very late and she was about to fall asleep.

"So, you admit you like him?" Neha smirked.

"Yes." Cora mumbled after she'd rolled over and her head was face down in Neha's pillow so her words came out muffled.

"Cora. Why in hell would you think that he doesn't like you? Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Neha stated in a 'duh' tone. Cora had never actually took much notice to how Stuart looked her, maybe she should've more often.

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