one - sarcastic

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It was the first day of the summer, which meant Cora's first day at her internship at google. When she entered the building, the more she wanted to spend the rest of her life there. She was glad she decided to go, but she had to stick to her condition and not let Graham drag her around.

She followed the signs for the interns, Graham was walking next to her, trying already to make an impression. Stopping random people and telling them how smart he was, and waving around his lanyard with his university on. Cora rolled her eyes so much she was surprised they didn't roll out of her head, I can't wait to get away from him.

They got to the right place, which was basically like a giant set of stairs, or bleachers, with beanbags and pillows that we're themed with the basic colours of Google. A lot of people were already sat down, wearing the spinning hats that had "Noogler" written on. When Cora signed in she was also given one, but decided not to wear it for the time being.

"Graham please stop licking everyone's asses, you're trying way too hard." Cora stated, Graham gave her a blank stare and shook his head, dragging her over too an older looking guy. Great, he's already broken part of my condition.

"Sorry sir, Graham Hawtrey." He approached the man, shaking his hand, assuming he was one of the long time workers at Google.

"Billy McMahon, nice to meet you!" The very tall guy introduced himself, still shaking his hand. He turned to me, as if he was asking what my name was.

"Oh hi, I'm Cora Murphy, pleasure to meet you." I said, and he shook my hand also which was rather odd.

"It's a thrill to be here." Graham said, he would stop sucking up to people, which drove Cora mad.

"Yeah me too." Billy agreed, smiling. He seemed like a rather cheerful person.

"Well, I said to myself, Graham, there's someone over there with some life experience he'll probably teach you a thing or two." Graham laughed, and Billy laughed along. Cora didn't really know what to do other than just stand there.

"Oh you've gotta meet my friend Nick- Nicky! Nickelodeon! Come over here!" Billy shouted, another older guy with blonde hair walked over, joining his friend. "Come and meet Graham and Cora!"

"Hi, Nick Campbell." The new guy introduced himself the same way, shaking both Graham and Cora's hands.

"They're in the internship programme with me and you!" Billy said excitedly, Graham raised and eyebrow and wore a shocked expression.

"You're interns?" Graham said, widening his eyes in surprise. Cora was so embarrassed to be with him she just wanted to make a run for it.

"Yeah we are." Billy and Nick both said.

"Shut up!" Graham said, still in that shocked, annoying, tone of voice.

"Deal with it!" Billy laughed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Graham laughed. Why don't you shut the fuck up you little piece of sh- Cora's thoughts were cut off by Graham speaking yet again. "But you're so old though!"

Cora had enough, she wanted to yell at him, she squeezed her eyes shut in hope that this would all be a dream.

"Graham, stop." Cora said, sighing as loud as possible. "You don't say that to someone."

"Oh, excuse me?" Billy asked Graham, rather offended.

"Oh my god I feel terrible, I feel so stupid! I'm sorry." Graham faked his self pity, obviously, he couldn't act to save his life.

"No don't be it's fine!" Billy and Nick repeated, as Graham kept going on about how "bad" he felt.

"I'm sorry about him he's just-" Cora stated to apologise.

"There's no need for you to apologise Cora don't worry." Nick told her, and she smiled at him.

"I just you know, thought you were, important. Oh shit, I'm gonna find some people that actually matter, but good luck." Graham said rudely, and then left Cora standing with the two older men.

"I'm really sorry he's so embarrassing." Cora apologised again, ashamed.

"Don't apologise you seem like a lovely girl, what is Graham to you?" Billy asked out of curiosity. Cora sighed.

"Boyfriend, but, not my choice." Cora admitted, her head hung low and she stared at her shoes.

"Damn, hey maybe we can help get rid of him for you?" Billy offered, Cora looked up and smiled.

"Thanks, I'll keep that offer in mind." She smiled, and then walked away to try and make some more friends.

Everyone was around the age of 21, and it was the summer before their senior years at university. It can't be that hard to find someone. Cora walked up the bleachers a bit more, looking at the mixture of people. There was so much diversity there and Cora thought it was nice.

Someone suddenly walked into her, snapping her out of her thinking. The guy looked up from his phone and muttered an apology to Cora. He was wearing a beanie and wore black glasses, his dark hair was poking out the front of his beanie but Cora didn't really get a chance to see his face because he looked down on his phone again so quick.

"You know it'll probably do you good to look up three inches once and a while, you should try it sometime." Cora suggested, she wasn't phone obsessed, and she liked seeing things in person and experience things in the moment.

"Well maybe I'm doing something important." The, still unnamed, guy said quite sarcastically.

"Don't you want to socialise?"

"I am socialising, it's called social media for a reason." The beanie guy retorted, still not looking up.

"I mean like actually socialise, instead of, whatever your doing on that four inch screen of yours." Cora stated. "Do you mind giving me a name so I can match it to the top of your head?"

This finally got the guy to look up, he did so whilst sighing. Cora thought he was pretty cute, but pushed that thought away. He was rude to me.

"I'm Stuart Twombly." He smiled sarcastically. "Now do you want me to shake your hand or is that good enough for you?"

"It's fine, and I'm Cora Murphy, I'm not sure weather it was nice to meet you, but anyway, good luck."

Stuart pushed his glasses up his nose, which gave him a better look at Cora because he couldn't really see her before. What the hell did I just do. He thought to himself, a pretty girl just tried to be nice to me and I completely blew it, nice one Stuart!

The presentation was about to start, sadly somehow Graham had found his way back to Cora and they sat together on the bleachers.

Stuart was a few people down, and Cora couldn't help but still have him on her mind.

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