five - eye rolling

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The interns had a few days of free time to do what they liked around the Google complex until the next challenge would begin. Most of them took the time to explore, the whole place was fascinating. Nap pods, volleyball courts, free food and just generally the whole environment was really amazing, and colourful.

It was the morning and Cora decided that she would go to the coffee shop for the first time, and she could sit there and get some studying done so their team had a better chance at winning. She needed to beat Graham's team, she never wanted something so much in her life.

"How much?" She asked the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop, holding up her to-go coffee cup.

"Free." He smiled, whilst polishing some china cups.

"Three? Three dollars?" Cora asked, and started digging in her jean pocket for the money she'd put there earlier.

"Oh no, free of charge. You don't have to pay anything." He clarified, realising that Cora had heard wrong.

"What? Seriously?" Cora asked in shock, putting her money back.

"Yes, everything here is free. Have anything you want." He said cheerfully.

"Awesome woah this is so cool, ok I'll have a bagel then. Oh, and that cake, as long as it's free?" Cora had to make sure he wasn't joking, it seemed too good to be true.

"Definitely free, here." The guy at the counter said, handing Cora her bagel and slice of cake.

"Woah, thank you so much." Cora smiled, admiring her food like it was the most valuable thing in the world.

"It's no problem, have a nice day!" The guy told her.

"You too." Cora replied, turning around and searching for a table.

The place was quite busy, pretty much every table was full. She scanned the room for any sight of someone who she knew so she could sit with them. Her eyes spotted mr unsociable in the back corner, yet again on his phone. He had the table to himself and a drink was placed on it, it looked like milkshake or something. Cora sighed and wished it was someone else she knew, but went to ask if she would sit with him anyway.

"Hey. Dark and stormy." Cora said bluntly, looking down at Stuart to get his attention.

"What do you want Cora?" Stuart replied, not even looking up from his four inch screen.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full. Or should I leave before you punch me in the face like you threatened Lyle?" Cora teased jokingly, adjusting her bag strap so it didn't fall off her arm.

Cora waited, about a minute, and she got no reply from Stuart. She just sighed and turned away. "I'll take that as a no then."

"Cora wait, sorry I spaced out. Yeah sure you can sit down." Stuart stopped Cora from walking away, which surprised her. She smirked to herself, proud that she'd gotten Stuart to be somewhat nice to her. She then turned back around and sat opposite him, getting her laptop out and putting all of her food down.


"Why so much food?" Start asked her, eyeing her cake.

"Why not? It's free." Cora shrugged, taking a bite out of her bagel.

"Not gonna argue with you on that one." Stuart slouched back down in his chair, but he was no longer on his phone.

Cora noticed that Stuart had a habit of doing that, slouching really far back in his chair, and constantly adjusting his glasses or licking his lips before he spoke. She always did that, noticed the little things about people, like the way they talk or little habits they had. Stuart seemed to have so many little things about him like that, little habits, and Cora had so far noticed every one.

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