two - leftovers

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After they were told what to do and the challenges they should expect, they went to their first seminar, where they were given red and green paddles to indicate yes and no. Almost, well every answer was red, most of the group answered with red every time, except from the two older men who definitely had an alternative way of thinking to the group of mostly 21 year olds.

Cora noticed that Stuart was there, sitting in front of Billy, and she went to sit next to Billy because he was one of the very few people she knew and liked. Graham let Billy and Nick in because of "age before beauty" and was rather rude yet again, not surprising. Then Graham wondered off somewhere else, leaving Cora to join the Seminar.

Something else that wasn't surprising was the fact that Stuart was on his phone yet again, and when the seminar began he slouched really far back in his chair and looked more bored than ever.

Of course Cora was interested, she answered all the questions, correctly, and just went on with her day.

The next day, was when they would start the first challenge and select their groups, all of the interns met in the place where they did the previous day, sitting on the bleachers and they were all eager to get a good group.

Cora wanted to try and not be in the same group as Graham, although that would stop them both getting the job because only one group can win. She was willing to go anything to get away.

"Welcome to day two! I'm sid, 8 year googler. You guys are new googlers, therefore you're nooglers!" The enthusiastic guy with an afro said with a microphone at the bottom of the bleachers. Some people let out a laugh and others looked at him like he was completely stupid.

"Now, this place is all about community and collaboration, so you'll be working in groups from here on out-" he was cut off by the guy in charge of the interns, Chetty, who snatched the mic away which made a squeak because of the feedback.

"You have five minutes, pick your teams." As soon as that was said, everyone was up and moving about, discussing skills and abilities.

"Cora come on you're on my team." Graham said, grabbing her by the wrist.

"Remember what I said Graham? You've got to let me make my own decisions and not drag me around all summer, a decision is what group I choose. So please, leave me." Cora stated in the nicest way possible although it was rather difficult, and pulled her wrist out of his grip.

"What? You're not serious? Alright then, I'll find someone prettier- I mean smarter than you to be on my team. We will win anyway so your brains make no difference." Graham spat, walking away from Cora.

"Then why do you still need me to be your girlfriend?" Cora mumbled under her breath, but Graham was already too far away to hear. He had already got three members of his team by the time Cora turned around.

Cora smiled, and began to look around. She saw Billy trying to get someone on his team by trapping him in a hug, and he was trying to get away. She saw a tanned girl with curly dark hair trying to get people to be on her team.

"Does anyone wanna be on a team with me? Super fun, really smart but also very fun!" She called out. She seemed nice, so Cora approached her.

"Hi, you need a teammate?" Cora asked her, wanting to make new friends.

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd be left with no one. I'm Neha, nice to meet you!" She smiled brightly and pulled Cora into a hug, most people would've gone for a handshake but she didn't mind.

"Cora, nice to meet you too." Cora smiled back, stepping backwards. She then tried to get more people on the team with Neha, sort of promoting themselves.

As they were doing so, she spotted some boy talking to Stuart, who completely ignored him.

"I was voted most likely to succeed in my chess club." The boy tried desperately to gain a team mate, but Stuart just puffed out his cheeks, didn't look up, and just walked away.

"Why does no one want to be on a team with us?" Neha sighed, sitting down on the bleachers.

"I don't know, we need more people we can't just be a two person team." Cora added, and everyone was already in their groups and had started their meeting. "Well great, this is fun."

She guessed that they were going to be put on a team with the others that were left over, which included her, Neha, Nick, Billy, the guy that was voted most likely to succeed in his chess club. And... Stuart. And they had their team leader, Lyle, who was a little bit, weird. They made their way to their first meeting.

"Have fun, you know, you and your leftovers." Graham teased as they walked passed his group.

"We're not chicken from yesterday's dinner in your fridge that you didn't eat, so don't say that. And I'm sure we will do just fine, goodbye Graham." Cora stood up to him, she would've dumped him there and then, but due to past experiences she didn't even want to try. Especially in front of a bunch of people.

"Ok so Team Lyle follow me!" Lyle cheered, no one joined in, and they made their way to one of the many colourful meeting rooms.

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