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I was paralyzed, feeling numb.

He had left his body there, laying on the staircase like it was just a doll. Not even looking back once. Simply walking away. Leaving him there. Leaving me there.

My head was heavy and my body shaking, my legs barely supporting me as I slowing moved forward. Dead tears ran down my face without my control. I didn't want to cry, but I would still do it. My heart was beating with an immense rage, suffering. Breaking itself into a million pieces for the same reason it fixed itself, and the only question running through my mind was, Why?

I felt betrayed. Empty. And this time I couldn't go against any idea or sentence Stiles had the whole time, because he was right. He was always right, since the beginning. There was no hope now, no way to hide it. Where once I felt love, now I felt odium. I was just a broken soul watching a broken body, and I couldn't do anything.

Deep down we were both dead.

I looked shocked at Mason, who now was next to the body, trying to get a reaction as his hands were bathing in the werewolf's blood. How sad were his eyes. I couldn't breathe. The pain I felt made it feel like it was never going to stop, watering my face with more salted tears, and maybe it wouldn't. The sadness in my chest and the apparent inexistent air in my lungs made me feel empty . This is not happening! That did not just happen! I thought. But it was happening and I was suffocating more and more as I stepped in closer to the boys.

I wanted to run away, go to sleep, wake up without all the pain. I was dazed, disoriented, as I fell on my knees in front of them. "Scott..." I whispered inaudible, felling my body fall on the floor as I blacked out.

I was never someone who liked to lose, but perhaps that was the best thing I was good at.

Hey, I don't know why I deleted this story before, but here I am again! It was called "Skirt's love Affair" but nevermind.


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