The Beast Of Beacon Hills

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I opened the door to Theo's secret place and saw Tracy, Josh, my boyfriend, and a man who was seating down on the floor with something in his arm.

"Who is that?"

Theo looked at me and smile, walking towards the place I was.

"Hey." He whispered, giving me a small kiss.

"Oh, that must be Alice." The man said. "Dear sweet Alice."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you are?"

"Deucalion." Theo answered for him.

I looked attentively at the man. For what Stiles had told me, when Corey and Mason went to Scott's house, Deucalion was the Alpha of an Alpha pack, who tried to kill Scott. A blind Alpha, with a bigger control over his powers than any other werewolf.

Apparently, he was a vengeful werewolf.

"Nice to finally meet a dziwozona." He smirked.

Instantly, I got to the conclusion I didn't like him and made sure to leave an inner note to keep away from me.


"What about these?" Tracy asked, out of nowhere, giving Theo a small jar with something weird in it.

"They're useless if we don't know who it is."

I walked through the few steps that were in the room and the two chimeras followed me.

"Actually they're just useless." The Alpha said, making Theo turn around to face him. "Didn't Hayden mention that?" I frowned, not understanding what they were talking about. "Where is she, by the way?" Helping Liam, I thought. "What about the other one, Corey?" Looking for Mason, idiot. "None of us can see him, blind or otherwise, so I'm guessing he's not here either."

Josh shook his head and laughed, getting up from his position. "I'm leaving." He said, before Tracy stopped him.

"Oh, there goes another. Your circle of trust is narrowing, Theo."

I rolled my eyes. I didn't care much about Josh or Tracy or whoever was part of Theo's pack, in fact, I didn't care about the pack at all, but Deucalion's words were getting on my nerves.

"Your voice is getting on my nerves." I said.

Theo nodded, before looking up at Tracy. "Paralyze his tongue."

"Thank God." I whispered.

"Got it." Tracy affirmed, walking towards the werewolf.

"Tell me something, Tracy. Just how powerful were you before all this happened?" He questioned. Confused, I look at my boyfriend, who had a frown in his face. "In my experience is the truly powerless that were all too to demonstrate their strength. So allow me to demonstrate something more helpful to our curse. Trust."

Suddenly, the man slowly started getting up on his feet. I gave a few steps back and Theo walked in front of me, trying to protect me from whatever seemed to be happening.

"I told you I wanted Scott Mccall's eyes." He said, making mine wide opened, either for his words or for the way he was getting the tubes connected to his arm off. "That's why I let you take me. Why I have been a, willing guest, this entire time."

Scared, I grabbed one of Theo's hands and walked backwards again, pulling him with me. When he finally let the machine fall on the floor, we all exchanged our looks.

My boyfriend nodded. "Ok. What now?"

"I teach you what you've been so desperate to know." Before I could even react, Theo pushed me aside from behind him and Deucalion pushed him back, grabbing his hand and breaking his wrist, a hurtful sound leaving the chimera's mouth.

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