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"I said no!" Stiles repeated. My cousin and Scott were getting ready to go to Mexico and save Kira from something I wasn't sure of and, for the 6th time I was trying to get along.

"She's my friend too."

"I don't care." He rolled his eyes. "Stay here and make sure everything is ok. If anything happens, call me."

"Anything as in the appearance of that ugly beast?"

"That and some mysterious night walk, ok?"

I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug, knowing there was nothing I could do to make him agree on taking me. "Just be careful out there." I whispered before letting go and entering Scott's house as he walked out.

"So, you're not going either?" Liam asked when I walked in.

"Stiles won't let me."

The werewolf nodded. "Scott is still mad at me."

"It's normal."

"Yeah, but he could forgive me."

"Well, you did try to kill him." I stated. "He probably doesn't trust you 100% right now."

Liam frowned and his eyes moved from the floor to me. "Are you judging me?"

I gasped. "I- uh- I'm not judging you, but is the truth..."

"Well, I think he can trust me more than he can trust you." I raised an eyebrow at his words. "In fact, I'm sure of it."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked offended.

"I don't know, you tell me since you're the one who has been sneaking out with the guy who killed Scott, for the past two weeks!"

I stood quiet, the effect of his words making me feel numb. He wasn't supposed to know that, nobody did.

The past two weeks had been hard. After Scott dying and coming back to life, like some of the dead chimeras, my uncle recovering and the creation of the so called beast, things had been calm. Stiles and Scott had talked and although I wasn't sure, I thought they had made up.

My cousin and I had also had a long conversation, where we stood clear that Stiles didn't approve Theo at all but that I really likes him. It wasn't said but I knew Stiles was aware of my meetings with the chimera.

The boys still hadn't talked to Theo about anything else and I, as a normal human, tried to keep myself safe and away from all the drama. For some reason I thought secretly meeting Theo wouldn't affect it.

"How do you know about that?"

"I saw you." He said with an accusing tone.

I shook my head. "That doesn't make me untrustworthy."

"I'm not so sure Scott and your cousin will agree with that."

I took a deep breath and looked around lost. "You wouldn't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because you're my friend!" I hurriedly answered. "I don't know why, but you have been extremely rude towards me and don't tell me it's because I've been seeing Theo, because I won't believe you!"

"But it is!" He said, shaking his head. "Do you have any idea how I feel when I think about you? I feel like going back to that night and instead of attacking Scott I would kill myself!" I frowned. "But then I think, why kill me when I can kill YOU?" Liam yelled.

I took a step back with a confused look on my face and felt the beat of my heart increasing. "What are you saying?" I said in the middle of his words.

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