The Last Chimera

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I woke up with the sound of voices in the corridor. I was confused and feeling weak and couldn't understand why. As I opened my eyes I realized I was in a hospital room and the scenes from the library hit me instantly.

Scott was dead.

Theo wasn't our friend. Theo was a chimera.

Scott is dead. Theo isn't good.

I got up from the bed and looked around, expecting to see something that would tell me why I was there, although I was sure it was because I had passed out.

Quietly, I left the room and walked until the reception, hoping to find the woman who wasn't there - Melissa. The thought of thinking Scott was dead was leaving me paralyzed, how would his mother react? How would Stiles react? He was gone. He was gone and there was nothing we could do to save him.

"Hi, my name is Alice Stilinski, I woke up in a room because I passed out."

"Hello sweetheart. Stilinski, you said?" I nodded. The woman wasn't old, she'd be thirty at most, and wore a frown in her face as she looked for my condition. "Oh, you must be related to the Sheriff?" I looked at the woman in confusion and nodded. "Your medical records says you're fine to go if you want. The Sheriff is at the second floor."

A nervous feeling took care of me as I listened to her last words. "What do you mean? What happened to him?"

"Oh ah- I'm sorry, you will have to talk to the doct-"

I didn't let her finish her sentence before running out in the direction of the elevator.

I felt too confused. The guy I knew since I was little had just died, not to mention he died believing his best friend was a murderer, the guy I liked wasn't friendly at all and himself was indeed a murderer who killed my cousin's best friend, and now my uncle was in the hospital.

I couldn't lose him. I couldn't lose the only man that was still part of my life. I simply couldn't. Although we didn't spend much time together, especially before I returned to Beacon Hills, my uncle had always been like a father to me. Perhaps it was because when his brother - my father - died he felt the need to take care of me, and that was exactly when I felt the need to have him more often in my life. If he died, then besides Stiles, my father's part of the family would be all gone - like my mother's -, and I couldn't handle that. I would have lost my parents and the man who I saw as a second father.

I would lose it all.

I got to the second floor and asked a nurse where the Sheriff's room was, and quickly got there. Stiles was pushing the werewolf against the floor and I shivered, shocked.

"Scott?" I whispered.

"Where the hell were you?" my cousin yelled.

A deputy grabbed Scott and helped him getting up, after the doctor taking Stiles away from the alpha.

"Stop!" I heard Melissa's voice in the middle of the confusion.

"Ok! Alright! Alright!" Stiles said, as he stopped pushing against the man.

"Your dad is not the only one who got hurt."

Stiles gasped. "You'll heal."

Scott looked down at his white shirt that was dirtied with blood and tried to cover it up with his jacket. "I'm not talking about me,"

I narrowed my eyes and looked at a confused Melissa, listening to Scott as he rambled about Parrish finding Lydia next to the Nemeton, and how she had drew a deputy's symbol on a rock, with her own fingernails.

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