Sparks Fly

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(I love that gif of Cody, I don't know, I actually enjoy when people ask him something and idk it's funny because he always says so much before actually answering the question and well it is cute, he is cute, bye)

I was going on a date with Theo.

For the last couple weeks, we had gotten along very well and there was hardly a day we didn't talk with each other. We ended up becoming really close and - being the sensitive and emotional girl I was - I started feeling different about him, so I don't really have to mention how surprised I was when he asked me to go on a dinner date with him. I was excited and happy about what was happening but part of me began to question how valid my "feelings" could be. I had always been like that, catching feelings for any guy that treated me sweet and seemed to care for me - like Robert, Jonathan and now Theo. I'd eventually realize they didn't want anything romantic with me and that were just really great guys. I hoped things could be different now.

It felt different. I spent lots of time with Theo and never I have ever felt bored or distracted with something else. My eyes were always on him and his seemed to be a lot on me too. I wasn't sure if what I felt for him was something more than a close and good friendship and I definitely didn't know about him, but I was there to find out.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath at the imagine. I was wearing a white shirt with half sleeves and a brown camel mini skirt and black boots. On my face wasn't my daily makeup but a different simple one that Lydia had chosen for me, forbidding Kira from grabbing any dark colors, making a waterfall braid in my hair.

"Are you sure this is appropriated?" I asked, liking the outfit but not knowing if Theo would think the same.


"No!" Stiles interrupted Kira, leaning back on the jamb. "That's far from appropriated! In fact I think you shouldn't even own those cloths. Get them off."

Lydia sighed and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. Malia smiled. "I think she looks really good." She said nodding. "I'd bang her."

I suppressed a laugh and crossed my arms like the strawberry blonde had done. "She's my cousin!"

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