Damnatio Memoriae

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"I went to the club looking for Hayden, and there is Josh." Liam said as we walked through the empty school hallways. "Standing there, completely alive, just like Hayden, because of Theo."

I sighed. "Theo brought them both back." I stated. "That's what he is doing, he's building a pack. His own pack."

"Yeah, his own pack of dead chimeras." Mason completed.

"Well, they both looked pretty alive to me!" The werewolf snapped. "They are not the same, there's something different about Hayden, something wrong about her."

I rolled my eyes. "Guess that's what dying does to you."

Mason quickly nodded and continued my thought. "What if it like, darkens your soul or if they're all evil now."

I looked down at the floor, thinking how the word couldn't fit Theo.

Although I knew Theo wasn't on our side anymore – if he ever was –, part of me still believed he wasn't bad. Yes, he did literally kill Scott and left my uncle to die, but he had to have a really strong reason to do so.

Thoughts about the thousands of times I was alone with him went through my mind. He couldn't have pretended to be the good guy the whole time, I knew he wasn't. Even though he did do some of the worst things someone ever could do, my heart kept beating for him, fighting my known brain on how Theo was actually a nice person.

The words from days ago, when we were in Scott's house, invaded my mind. He cared, despite what Stiles and Scott or whoever said, I knew he did, or else he wouldn't have said those things. He wouldn't have wanted me to go with him. At least that was what I hoped so.

Suddenly, the main door opened, scaring us all as the figure of Corey walked in.

"Hey guys!" He saluted happily. I was sure he was dead. "Did you volunteer for the library clean up too?"

The three of us looked at each other and hurriedly nodded, not knowing what to say. "Yeah, yeah!"


"Yeah, yes!"

Corey started walking first, leaving us with a smile behind. I glared at the boys and gasped. "Great, now I have to clean the mess you made!" I said to Liam.

He awkwardly shrugged.

During the hour we were at the library, cleaning up, I listened to Liam's rant about how evil Theo was and how horrendous it was what he was doing. Tired of all the accusations, I looked far at Mason who happily talked to Corey, and sighed. I already know that, I wanted to say, I know what Theo did- but can we just stop talking about it?, but I knew he would snap at me on how deep into him I was, so I stood quiet.

"What's wrong?"

I looked confused at Mason and frown. "What?"

"You look upset."

"Of course she's upset, her boyfriend is a maniac!" Liam said.

I rolled my eyes. "A maniac that brought your girlfriend back."

From the corner of my eye I saw Mason shaking his head while I exchanged a glare with Liam. "It's not that. It's a different type of upset. You were lik- Is it about what we talked yesterday?"

I sighed, seated on the boarder of the road, looking at the big occupied house. I remembered being happy there once, before those monsters showed up and tried to kill my whole family, succeeding.

I remembered running around the garden, my father pretending he couldn't run as fast as I did so he wouldn't catch me. I remembered waking up at seven am every Saturday only so I would wake my parents up with a tasty sandwich. I remembered my mother helping me dress my swimming suit every Wednesday and Friday after I tried so many times to escape. I remembered receiving the news of the so expected baby, the sibling I wanted. But that as all it were, memories.

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