Welcome Back

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I was never one to believe in the supernatural, never really thought much about it either. People who sucked blood and died at the sign of the sun, or men who turned into wild wolves and went on a killing spree every full moon? Not for me.

Although, I had to admit that there was something - and whatever it was, was related to my glowing blue eyes, originally brown.

The reason my eyes had that particularity was unknown by me and I was never strong enough to tell people about it, afraid they would think I was a monster. Perhaps I was, I wondered as my eyes watched my reflex on the car's mirror.

My simple brown eyes would change to a bright glowing blue every time I was too something - too happy, too sad, too angry. It was something hard to control but that I could already manage for a few seconds. Happily though, nobody had ever noticed it yet; however something told me that was about to change.

"I have a bad feeling Patricia." I said over the loud music.

My aunt hated being called aunt, claiming she was too young to have the responsibilities of an aunt, but she certainly had them.

"You always have a bad feeling." She answered me, rolling her eyes.

"I am always right though, ain't I?"

Patricia and I were on our way back to Beacon Hills, our way back home. After leaving our home town for five years, excluding Christmas and other festive dates, we were finally home.

The only way into the city was blocked by what I assumed to be a car accident, and most people stopped along the way - including us - and it seemed we were both getting to my uncle's house later than expected.

However, Patricia didn't seem to be bothered by it, since Stilinski was the town's sheriff and was probably too occupied to receive us.

"What could possibly go wrong Skirt?" She asked, rhetorically, shaking her head. "We are back into Beacon Hills, like you've always wanted, tomorrow I am going to start an amazing job as a journalist and I am finally getting ride of you!"

I took a deep nervous breath, ignoring her last statement and looked out the window. The people in the other cars looked like I felt, bored and annoyed. We were all stopped in traffic for what seemed like hours and were too tired.

"It isn't about that. I don't know, there's something else."

Before Patricia could answer a knock was heard on her door's glass, making me jump as I looked at the fifty year old man.

My aunt opened the glass. "Sir?"

"Could you please, for God's sake, turn that awful music down?"

I frowned at his choice of words. The song that was playing, What Is Love, was one of my favorites and meant tons to me.

"I'm so sorry!" Patricia apologised, turning it down. "We didn't realise it was too loud."

The man shook his head and turned his back at us, walking away.

"At least I have good taste in music." I muttered. "What's his problem, anyway?"

"I told you people don't like loud music."

"He was just boring." I sighed, rolling my eyes, opening the door and getting out of the car. "Why is this taking so long?"

I looked up the road, trying to figure out what was taking so long, only to come to the conclusion it was in fact an accident.

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