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Play Stars by Alessia Cara

When people die you don't initially feel the real shock, or maybe you do, but it just gets worst and worst. Then, there's gonna be a time you don't believe that that actually happened and you'll have difficulty living with the fact you don't see a person, although you're sure they're not dead.

But they are; and the people around you will try to open your eyes in all ways possible, even if they have to hurt you.

That's what happened when my parents died, what I felt.

With Theo, things were completely different. I didn't sleep the first couple nights, images of his dead sister crawling back from hell only to take him away with her; images and feelings of failure and regret because I could have saved him, but I didn't.

Then I blamed my friends, for hating the boy I loved and was in love with, quickly getting to the conclusion it was all Kira's fault for opening the floor, and Scott's for not letting me go on time to save the Chimera.

I grabbed the flower that was laying down in front of me and observed it. I didn't know what it was called and didn't try to learn, but it was beautiful. It reminded me of Theo and the day he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Come with me!" He said, taking off his shirt.

I covered my eyes and started laughing. "You have to be kidding me."

"What? Have you never swam with a naked boy in a cold river before?" He questioned laughing.

"No, not really." I answered uncovering my eyes and seeing the boy taking off his pants. "Oh my God, what are you doing?"

"I said I was going to be naked." He stated.

"The world is ending, there are chimeras trying to kill us plus the Dread Doctors, and you want to go swim naked in the river?"

Again, Theo laughed and took off his pants, walking towards me only in boxers.

The boy reached for my cold hands and smirked, intertwining our fingers and pulling me in.

"Relax, Alice." He said. "You should definitely come swim with me."

"You're an idiot." I affirmed.

Theo laughed and touched my cheek with his fingertips. "I might be, but I'm your idiot."

I shyly smiled and felt myself blush, my eyes drifting away from him.


"What? Don't you want me to be yours?" He asked, making me smile wider. "Don't you want to be mine?" He whispered, kissing my cheek.

I shook my head slowly, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, Theo stepped back and looked around at the floor, grabbing a white beautiful flower and handing it to me.

"Alice, be my girlfriend!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath for what felt like the 100th time that day.

"You should forgive your brother and give him back to me." I whispered.

I watched the river pass under and by me, and imagined a sweeter girl - than the one I saw taking my boyfriend away - in front of me, paying attention to whatever I felt like saying.

"He was just a kid, you know? And he wasn't a bad guy, I swear he wasn't!" I said, feeling my throat close and tears forming in my eyes. "He was changing, he just wanted to be happy-." I continued, shaking my head. "I know- I know he did a lot of bad things, including trying to kill lots of people and actually succeeding in some... like you." I sighed. "But he isn't as bad as you might think. He has a good heart." I told her, a frown on my face.

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