Flashback of Death

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The noises downstairs were loud, empty screams leaving with the pained voices as it's owners tried to escape with life.

It seemed impossible for them. They wanted to survive, to wake up from what seem to be the most horrifying and realistic nightmare they had always had, but they couldn't. They wanted to to it for them, for the people they loved, for the baby they were expecting, but especially for their little girl who was sleeping under the same roof.

The little girl upstairs was safe for now, they thought, but unfortunately the child's heart who still lived in the woman's uterus was no longer beating.

It was a lost cause. They all were.

With a heavy sleep the little girl was still in her bed, dreaming about great and sweet thing, maybe princesses, fairies or unicorns; but that couldn't last forever. A higher and last scream woke her up, opening wide her small brown eyes while her heart skipped a beat.

The house fell in silence.

Sleepy, Alice got up from her comfortable bed and gave small steps until reaching the big door.

The hallway was dark and quiet, scaring the little girl who so much hated the darkness. Even though she always told her parents she was a grown up now, she secretly lighten her room before falling asleep. Carefully, she walked in her parents' bedroom direction.

It was a mess.

The room itself, that always seemed to be so fixed, was now full of broken furniture and covered in blood. The undone bed, where Alice always hided herself in when she had nightmares, seemed now the nightmare it self. The whole room was.

As if the beating of her heart wasn't already fast enough, it increased. Confusion took care of her and tears started falling down her face.

What was happening? Where were mom and dad?

Scared, the little girl ran down the stairs and started yelling for both adults.

"Mom! Dad!" Her voice sounded.

In the living room the man, who was still the only one alive from the couple, hardly looked across the floor - where her bloody heart laid. His eyes saw his living girl reaching the room and he panicked even more.

He could die but he could never let his baby girl do; but now she was more in danger than ever.

His eyes popped out as he saw the three men in masks quietly showing up behind his terrified little daughter as she froze, looking at the scene in front of her.

Alicia was laying down on the floor, lifeless, as her bloody hand rested on her belly and her trout looked ripped of.

A couple meters on her left side there was Mark, her father, who didn't look much different. In his eyes there was a terrified look, which made Alice shed even more tears, before feeling a hand grab her mouth and a needle entering her body.

She didn't have much time after that, but before closing her eyes, she saw three tall men, wearing what she assumed to be masks.






This is so small, I know!

But tomorrow I'll post The Last Chimera & I will catch up with the show.

I promise.

Please, do not forget to vote and comment!

- pattie

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