Flew out

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I woke up feeling sick; my head hurt, my body felt tired and I had a sorrow throat; was probably a flu which didn't surprise me for the events of the night before. Despite, I felt content. The date with Theo ended up being nothing like I had expected - or what he had expected, for all the meanings - but it was a fun night, at least to me who couldn't stop thinking the whole situation was somehow comic. I wasn't hoping for anything romantic to happen, I didn't like him enough for that, but I had to admit the moment rain started pouring and we got extremely close were the firsr pictures that went through my head the moment I woke up.

"What are you smiling at?" Stiles voiced echoed through the room.

I jumped through the sound and quickly sat on the bed. "Jesus, what are you doing?"

"I came to ask about what happened last night." He said with an obvious tone. "Did you guys have sex?!" I questioned, narrowing his eyes. "That's why you're smiling! Oh- I'm gonna kill that bastard-"


"Did he force you? He forced you, didn't he? I knew tha-"

"Can you please stop making things up just so you can get an excuse to hate the guy?" Malia asked, walking inside my room. She must have come to take breakfast with us, seeing as she loved Patricia's pancakes. I hated them.

My cousin looked at the girl and sighted, shaking his head and getting up from my bed. "I'm not looking for excuses to hate him, you'll see it." He told her, before looking at me. "You'll see."

I stayed home for the rest of the day. After Stiles and Malia left for school my uncle and aunt both left for their jobs too, leaving me sick and alone in the house that we all now shared. I didn't do much. Instead of studying, like I should have done,  I decided on watching a marathon of movies, where the main character was Zac Eforn, and eat junk food instead of the healthy one. Meanwhile, I exchange a few text messages with Kira and Lydia telling them about the date, the same way I had told Malia and Patricia before.

Theo didn't ask for me the whole day but showed up at my house when school finished.

"Hey!" He said when I opened the door.


I stepped aside so he could get it and closed the door, moving towards the living room and the sofa. "So, I heard you were with the flu."

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's probably nothing important, though." I told him. I was glad he had taken his time to visit me, in my vision, it made me think he really cared. Maybe he did.

"Perhaps, but it is clearly my fault." He continued, smiling.

"Eh, kinda, yeah..." I said, making us laugh. "But I'm better now, so..."

Theo nodded.

Turns out I wasn't really getting better, and I didn't get for another five days, where Patricia patiently stayed at home taking care of me, Stiles made me company watching criminal shows, Lydia dropped by a couple times and Theo silently snicked in every night just to check on me. I won't gonna lie and say I didn't like the attention I was getting, even though it was because I was sick, but I'd never let them know that.


"Hey, are you ready?"

I looked up from my book and rolled my eyes, not feeling in the mood to get a study session with Lydia.

"Yeah, sure." I lied.

The strawberry blonde smiled at me and sat by my side at the library table. "How was your first day back?"

"It was OK, I guess." I answered her, shrugging. "The teachers just gave me like a billion things to do, it feels like I've been gone for a whole month instead of a week.

She smiled. "Senior year is a different thing."

I nodded. "I agree on that."

"What are you going do to, once we finish this year?" Lydia asked. "Do you want to study something? Or do you wanna just get a job and go with it?"

I sighed. There was a question I wasn't so sure myself. "I don't know... I mean, I think I want to study something and get a degree for doing something that I enjoy... I know my parents would like that. I'm just not sure about what it is yet."

The girl shrugged. "You still have a few months to think about that." She said, finishing our conversation and initiating our study.

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