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There's a chapter missing, I'm aware of that. Sorry


The next morning wasn't different from the others. Stiles woke me up way before the time that was supposed to and we ended up getting to school earlier. He quickly told me to go to class as I saw Scott and Liam coming the jeep's way with another guy, who I have found to be Mason.

"We still have twenty minutes."

"Yeah well," he looked around. "Maybe you should go read something for class, I don't know, you need to read all the things you missed." He continued, trying to get me away from him.

I rolled my eyes and looked behind me, seeing Scott kissing Kira, who was with Lydia. "I'll go." I said and he repetitively nodded. "But we have to talk about Lydia." I told him, recalled by the fact we still hadn't mentioned her.

He frowned. "What about Lydia?"

"Well, how come haven't you told me you're friends with the girl you're crushing since third grade?"

Stiles opened his mouth like he was about to say something and backed off. "Can we not talk about it?"

"Why not? I mean, I know you're dating Malia bu-"

"We don't talk about it!" he awkwardly said. "Now go away!"

I raised my hands and stepped back, saying hi as I walked past the group of people who was about to meet my cousin.

I walked into the school and went to my locker, pretending to change the books in my hands for others, so I wouldn't look like someone who didn't have any friends. Or something whose cousin would shush her out of his conversations with his friends. Yeah, that too.

I closed my locker and jumped back when I saw Theo next to me. "God, you scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry." He laughed. "It's just that, last night I was thinking..."

"What a good thing you have a brain to think." I joked, he laughed.

Stiles still didn't like the guy and I  still couldn't see what he thought was wrong with him. For the contrary. Theo had done nothing but demonstrate he was a chill and cool guy who, by the way, seemed to care a lot about me. He was just always around and seeming to want to be friends with the group of friends (I still wasn't part of), and he sure didn't seem like a bad person, especially since he was always texting and showing up at my house to check on me. Every time we would have a conversation, it would be nice and relaxing. Still, Stiles didn't want me around him. He didn't want anyone around him.

"No, but seriously." The boy smiled at me. "I got to the conclusion that even thought you ended up getting sick in our last date, we should do another one."

"Oh, really?" I asked as we started walking to class.

"You know, to make up for the horrible things that happened."

I smiled. He knew I enjoyed the date even with all the problems and the consequence of me getting sick, so I knew then that if we had a new date it wouldn't be to make up for what had happened, it would be because we had liked each other's company. "Yeah?"

"Yeah!" he nodded. "Also, I think we should definitely talk about when we were younger."

I laughed. "What about that?"

"Oh you know, how you were that little cute girl who Stiles was always getting out of trouble." I blushed at mention of the word 'cute' but quickly brushed it away when I listened to the rest of the sentence.

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