Curious Blindness

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I'm back! God, such a busy week!

So the other day I was walking in the street and thinking about what I would write, when this really big dog came into my direction and I tried to act really cool and like I wasn't afraid of it (because apparently it works) and then I just remembered I was thinking about Teen Wolf and I almost froze at the thought of that big fat dog sensing my fear.

IMAGINE IT WAS A WOLF, I WOULD DIE - probably ask if it was anyone from the show first but still.

I'm just kidding guys, haha. If I ever saw a wolf I'm telling you I would be stupid enough to storm off running and end up being eaten.


#THALICE (lmao, my lack of originality is extraordinary)


I was cold, aware of the change of temperature in a second. I wasn't comfortable and as I tried to roll in bed, I found to be laying on a much harder surface.

Shivering, I opened my sleepy eyes in the dark, the soft light from the sun emanating into the moon and making its way to the night. I frowned, realizing I wasn't in my room, but in the woods. Although it was pretty obvious, I only felt the dead leaves under my frozen body minutes later, when the shock hit me.

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