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I woke up with my phone alarm play late as always - or maybe it was me who just could never listen to its first twenty minutes of playing. The window of my new temporary bedroom was closed, involving the place into the dark, making any bit of confidence about getting up and go to school vanish in the air.

At the thought of school my eyes were quickly wide opened, the reality of being back to Beacon Hills finally hitting me. I loved that town, every bit about it enchanted me, and to think I was definitely back made me want to jump around.

Ignoring my sleepy eyes I energetically took a quick shower and got dressed. That felt like a good day, despite being a couple minutes late. I was ready and excited to be back at school, for the very first time in my entire life, and had no shame on that.

I grabbed my bag and threw a few notebooks in there, along with my already prepared pencil case and phone. I took an apple from the untouched table and read my aunt's note. /!\ Go with Stiles. /!\

I called my cousin, who quickly answer and said he would be picking up his girlfriend before coming back home, ten minutes later he was there.

"Sorry, I needed to go to the sheriff station."

"You could have told me, I still haven't seen him." I said, making his sarcastic facial features appear.

"You literally slept under the same roof."

I rolled my eyes and got in the back seat, realising how much I missed his sarcastic remarks. The girl in the front, whose eyes were brown like her short hair, rapidly turned around and smiled at me. My cousin started driving.

"Hey, I'm Malia!"

"Hi, my name's Alice-"

"Skirt, just call her Skirt." Interrupted Stiles.

I frowned at him and his girlfriend looked at him confused. "Do you want me to call you Skirt?" She asked glancing at me,

"You can call me whatever you want." I said nicely.

Malia nodded. "I'm gonna call you Skirt."

The rest of the ride was fast and loud, with the three of us always laughing at something and remembering stupid games Stiles and I used to play with Scott and other people when we were younger.

When we finally made it to school I left the car hurriedly, not loosing any more time to go grab my locker number and key. Along the way I saw Scott, he was smiling and his eyes looked happy as he contently wrapped his arms around a Japanese girl.

About a year before, Stiles had told me Scott had lost Alison, his first love, to death. For what I knew, and only meeting her a few couple times, Alison seemed to be a great girl. She was pretty, nice and her personality made Scott grow - at least that's what happened after he met her. My cousin didn't say much about but I knew his best friend had been in the worst state someone could ever be, so now I was happy he had moved on. Scott deserved it.

"Skirt!" He greeted, walking in my direction and giving me a hug.

"Hey there!"

I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and smiled at the girl next to him. "This is Skirt, Stiles' cousin.". Scott introduced me. "This is Kira, my girlfriend."

We both smiled at each other before she could start talking.

"Hi! I'm Kira!"

I laughed at the mixture of excitement and awkwardness she greeted me with and answered her back. On top of that, for the small amount of words we exchanged, Kira seemed like a nice girl - one who Scott truly liked and was happy to have by his side -, that was the most important.

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