Chapter 5

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      It's a week since dad last punished me.  I don't know what has gotten into him , but it's good for me.  My birthday is in two weeks . Finally , I'm turning nineteen ! Isabelle's birthday is a week after mine . I'm not planning on a birthday party . I'm not a party type girl. 
        I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up in my bed to be blinded by the sun what was through the window . I miss the sunlight ! I decided to go out today.
       I brushed my teeth and put on some black skinny jeans shorts with a green tank top what barely covered my stomach and had a black " Naughty but nice " subtitle . I slipped in my worn out black Converse and I was ready. 
        I didn't bother myself by putting on any make-up , so after I brushed my hair  I was ready .
       The hall was empty and everything was quiet . Ot was weird , so I checked my watch  and the realization hit me . It's only five am , so it's normal to be asleep .
       I ran down the hall straight to the door . I stepped out of it , to be blinded by the sun ... again .
       I walked slowly to let the sunshine glow on my skin . My hair seemed more fiery in the shinning sun .
       The calming sound of the warm wind , the soft , green grass , the shinny sun were my favourite things in this home named prison . Next to Jace of course .
        I walked in continue until I arrived to my secrer hiding spot , which was a beautiful lake . It was blue as Izzy's eyes and the sound of the water calmed me down . I sat down on the soft , green carpet of the nature and pulled out my sketchbook . I started to draw . I love to draw ! It is like heroin for me , I can't stop doing it !
        I started to draw without any useless thinking . I recognized what I'm drawing quickly . It was he again . I'm drawing Jace again , just now he is an angel with bare chest ans many runes and battle scars . He is so beautifull . I have no other words to describe him .

         - You know I didn't think there is more beauty in the world then the sun  but I changed my mind , when I first saw you ... - I imediately recognized that sexy , husky morning voice of his .

             I turned around to face my beautyfull golden haired , golden eyed  , golden skinned  lover . His messy bed hair was looking so good on him .

           - What are you doing here this early in the morning ? - I asked  , standing up .

          - I kinda woke up , when Izzy barged into my room , saying she can't find you . I kind of became worried so I came here , knowing you would be somewhere in the sunshine . - he said grabbing the back of my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss . I immediately kissed him back . His hand travelled up and down my back . I tucked on his golden locks and this time he moaned first .

           We pulled away breathing heavily .

            - You two are in a big trouble ..... - I heard from behind . I gasped and turned around to find myself in my biggest nightmare . My dad was standing behind us and he seemed really angry .

           - Look , dad ! I can apologize it ... - I started , but he cut me off .

            - No need to apologize , Clarissa ! I see that you didn't learn from my lessons , so I have to say it again : You're weak ,because of him! To love is to destroy , he will destroy you ! To be loved is to be the one destroyed , you will be destroyed ! - he yelled .

           I held back my tears .

          - That's not true ! Dad , love is amazing ! ... and I love him ! - I said pointing at Jace .

          - You will regret to argue with me ! - he yelled , grabbing my upper-arm and dragging me to a room . Jace ran to us and he tryed to help me to escape from my dad , but his grip was too strong .

           He pushed me into a room and locked the door after he left .  I looked around . The room was all grey and empty . I was all alone . My tears starte to fall . He left me here ?!

          I sat on the floor and just cryed and cryed until someone opened the door and walked in . I looked up to see my dad and Sebastian .

         - Clarissa , we found out about Jace's secret ..... I'm sorry daughter , but he was using you . He came from the Outside as a spy , he wanted to find out our secrets , plans and army . H ewanted you to show him these things , that's why he said he loves you . He lied to you in everything . - dad said , stroking my cheeks .

                My tears were falling uncontrolably .

            - You liar !!!!! He loves me and I trust him ! - I yelled snapping his hand away .

              - You'll regret this -- he whispered nodding to Sebastian . Seb picked me up and tied me up to the wall .

               Dad pulled out a blade . I was shaking in fear . He walked up to me .

              - I'm sorry , daughter  but you didn't leave me other chances .... - he whispered stabbing me in my right thigh .

            I screamed in agony . Blood was pouring out of the scar , soaking wet and red my leg . I cryed so much , but they didn't stop . They stabbed me on my right shoulder , on my other thigh and in the stomach .

            I was coughing up blood .

            They finally left after what felt like forever . I screamed again , but no one heard me . I gave up and just cried and cried .

           I miss Jace ! I miss Simon ! I  miss fashionista Izzy ! I miss my life ! I hope I'll see them soon ! I don't think so ! Right now I'm feeling like I'm going to die . So , please , my knight in shinning armor , save me as soon as possible , because I don't know if I can make it !

           And then I blacked out .....

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