Chapter 6

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          Everything is black . I can see nothing . Am I dead ? Am I blind ? Why can't I see anything ?
       I felt an incredible pain in my leg . What happened ?
        Suddenly a golden light surrounded my vision . What's happening ?
       A girl was standing in front of me . She was a lot like me . Curly , red hair , emerald green eyes and light freckles around her nose . She was wearing a floor-length golden dress with short lacey sleeves . She was beautifull . And what scared me the most ? She had long , soft white wings .
     - Who are you ? - I asked .
    - I'm you.  I'm your guarding angel.  - she whispered .
       I blinked twice before opening my eyes again . I wanted to be sure if this is real or not .
         - Am I dead ?
         - No , you're not . It's not your turn yet.  But you're in danger . You have to make sure your friends are real ones , because they are trying to betray you . You have to see through . You have to see clear . You have to make difference in the truth and lie . - she said . Her voive was soft and angelic . Even soothing .
       - How can I do that ?
       - You have an ability . You aren't like other sharowhunters . You are unique . You have more angel blood than anyone else in this world . You have the ability to see through everyone . You just have to close your eyes and concentrate . You have to think about what you want to believe and your mind will show you the truth . - she explained then disappaered like smoke .
      Everything was black again until the pain returned . I moved my eyelashes and opened my eyes .
      I looked around to notice that I'm still in that empty room . My legs , stomach and shoulder was still bleeding . I lost a lot of blood . I have to make it stop or I'll die here alone and that's not in my plans .
        I ripped a strand from my shirt and tied it around my right thigh . I stirred when a pain shot through me . I started to see little black dots . I have to get out of here as soon as possible .
      I have to find out what the angel was talking about ! I have to find out who is trying to betray me !
       I heard a bang from the door , so I turned around . I started sweating . I was barely able to bear the pain . My vision was blurry , but I couldn't let myself to give up !

        Suddenly the door flew open and I tilted my head to see ..... I think Jace , but I couldn't put a finger on it . All I saw was a flash of golden and a tall person standing in front of me . He quickly rushed to my side .

       - Clary .... Clary .... Hold on , okay ? You can't die on me . - he whispered . It felt so good to hear my name from his mouth . I felt him picking me up bridal side and the last thing I did was snuggling into his chest , before blacking out .

          The darkness was back . Pain shot through me and I screamed  . At least I tryed to scream , but no sound left my mouth .

       Suddenly I was tied up on a wall . Simon was standing in front of me . He didn't even tryed to approach me before pulling out a knight and stabbed himself in the chest . I screamed and my tears started to fall .

        - Simoooon !!!!!! - I screamed .

       I sat up in my bed sweating and panting heavily . Pain shot through me because of my quick movement . The room was dark and I was on a king-sized bed . The bed's softness and warmness felt good after the hard and cold floor of that scary room .

      I felt a warm hand touching my back and I yelped in surprise .

      - Shhh , calm down. It's just me .... - Jace whispered in my ear , what sent chills down my spine .

      - You scared me .... - my voice was hoarse and weak .

     He handed me a glass of water .  The cold liquid calmed down my burning throat . It felt like the softest silk I ever touched in my entire life .

    - Thanks .... - I whispered .

    - Clary ... Lay back down . We hardly stopped the bleeding , you have to rest . - he said , pushing me back on the pillow .

     - Clary .... I have to ask you an important question . - his voice was serious .

    -  Go ahead ...

     - Does this place have an army ?

     His question surprised me . It was like a cold shower for me . What does he want with this information . My mind was telling me not to tell him , but my heart told me the opposite of it .

    - Yes . It's under the dining hall . The password is Morgenstern veins . - I blurted out . I covered my mouth with my hands . What have I done ? I didn't want to say it , but I did . It' slike I can't control myself .

     - What's Valentine planning against the Outside ?

     - His planning to attack them in one month . He built up a whole demon army to fight against the Outside's demons .

      - Who will guide the army to the Outside ?

     - He doesn't know it , yet . He wanted Seb .

    - Does your brother have a girlfriend ?

     - No , he's single , but he really likes Isabelle .

     - What will be you do in that attack ?

     - I'll draw the portal and make some of them immortal .

      - How can you make them immortal ? How can you draw a portal ? Are you a warlock ?

     - No , but I have more angel blood than other shadowhunters . I'm able to create new runes , to draw portals , to heal someone by a single touch and to make them immortal . .... but it's dangerous for me . I might die doing it . It's the most powerfull magic in the world , what I'm playing with . - I yawned .

      - Good , now go back to sleep ........

     He tucked me in and fell into another weird dreamed slumber .

        Next update after two votes and at least one comment !

       I hope you liked the chapter ! Love you , guys !



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