Chapter 14.

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- Mom? - I whispered, not trusting my voice. Every inch of my body was shaking and I felt like throwing up. Nervousness took me over .

- Clarissa....-she choked out. Tears were streaming down her face, slipping down to the ground.

Before I could say anything, she wrapped her arms around me and once in my life I felt safe in my mother's arms. I rested my head on her chest, letting out the tears and sorrow I had been keeping in for who knows how long, and recognized the rhythm her heart beated.......mine was the same. Our hearts were beating at the same time.

She put her chin on the top of my head . We both were fully crying and first in my life I realized that I wasn't the only one who got hurt , when my mother left. She was forced to leave me......she didn't want to and maybe there's still a chance that she loves me as much as I love her.

- I'm so sorry, Clarissa......I gave up on you after ten years.....I never thought I'm going to see you ever again.....but ...Don't you think that I don't love you....I always did and I will always do.....- she said softly......honesty clear in her words.

I pulled away, wiping away my tears and looking straight into her emerald green eyes, which reminded me so much of mines.

- No, I get it....It wasn't your fault......You have nothing to be sorry for.....I mean, it's not like you had a choice.....Just I felt like you loved John more and that's why he got to stay with you....- I mumbled, but she still understood every word I said.

- Well.....Aparently, that's not true.....Don't tell your brothers, but I loved you a little more since the day you were only baby girl...- she whispered, kissing my forehead and I smiled at her gesture.

- We have a lot to catch don't know....Would you like to come in ? - I babbled and she gladly accepted my offer.

Stepping into the living room, I started biting my nails in nervousness. I was afraid what will mom say if she sees Matt lying on the couch, covered in blood. She woul probably freak out.

I sighed in relief, when I noticed that Somin brought his body upstairs and probably Zachary too , because I didn't see him anywhere.

I sat down on the armchair and mom made herself comfortable on the couch in front of me.

You could cut the tension in the room. I had so many questions to ask, but I just didn't know where to start.....In the end, mom cut the awkward silence and I'm more than thankfull for that.

- Tell me how could you escape from the Inside? I mean....I lived there before and I know that it's definitely not easy....- she giggled and I smiled too.

- Well....I had my ways.....The truth is that I didn't want to escape at first...even if dad beat me up really badly multiple times.......I made my decisin...when.....When someone broke my trust....and ....betrayed me........He turned out to be a liar.....and I regretted ever puttin my trust in him......but.....He gave me only one good and true thing in our short lasted relationship....- I spoke honestly, whispering the last part.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off by a soft cry coming from upstairs, which made my eyes widen and she raised a brow in confusion......probably wondering why is a baby crying upstairs in her daughter's house.

- One minute...- I muttered, before bursting out running. I was ready to choke Simon for making my little boy cry........especially when my mom was in the house too.

Storming into the room, I saw Simon rocking Zachary's body back and forth trying to get him to stop crying , but it wasn't working and he was just stressing the fuck out.

I groaned and he placed him in my arms when he noticed me.

- Simon, my mom is downstairs and she's probably thinking now that I kidnapped a kid....- I whisper-shouted....but he just seemed pissed off.

I sighed in annoyance and opened my mouth to start singinng a lullaby for Zach.....but the doorbell ruined my plans. I paced back and forth between the door and Simon. I didn't want to leave my son with an angry vampire.....but if I bring him down with me then my mom will know that I have a son at such a young age......but I had to answer the door.

I made my way down the stairs....gently rocking Zach, who was currently chewing on the bare skin of my shoulder. Mom didn't notice us yet and I sighed in relief, thinking I don't have to face her just yet.....or at least that's what I thought......but my relief , happines and the life from my face was gone , when I opened thw front door.

I never knew I'd have to face him ever in my life. His sparkling golden eyes immediatelly found my emerald greeen ones.....the eye contact sent chills run down my spine. His hair seemed a little longer, since I last saw him and his features changed. His hair didn't lost it's golden shine......his skin was more tan and looked so smooth, that I had to stop my hands from reaching out and carressing his cheeks. He had bags under his yes, revealing his mood. He wasn't feeling well either.....or at least he didn't exactly looked like an unconditionally happy men.

His eyes travelled lower , stopping on the beautifull baby boy I was holding and a gasp escaped from his lips. I swear I saw his eys water up and that made me want to cry too. I felt quitly for not telling him about his son.....but he didn't tell me that he's just using me for getting informations about the Inside either.

- Jace......- I breathed out. My breathing was unlaboured and my whole body was trembling. Every bone of my body hurt and I wanted to cream out as loud as I can , but I didn't want to scare the shit(literally.....Ew! ) out of my baby boy, who was trying to entartain himself with my red curls.

- C-Clary.......C-can.....We r-really need to talk...- he stated with so much confidence that it made me lightly afraid of him.; What if I don't want to talk?

I shook my head, trying hard not to let my tears escape.

- We have nothing to talk about, Jace....- I exclaimed and shut the door......or at least I tried....because he put his foot in my way.

- Clary....I'm not leaving until you let me explain.....- he said through gritted teeth and I knew that I'm playing with his patience.

- Jace.....I don't want to do anything with you....not now....not the fuck out of my life...Just leave me alone! - I raised my voice, which made Zachary squirm in my arms and that caught Jace's attention too....... I turned him towards me and I placed a kiss on his smooth forehead, which caused him to squeal and me to giggle at how cute he was.

- Clary, who is the father?-he asked, tilting my chin up with his index finger forcing me to look in his golden orbs......He knows what he does to me? Just his touch made me shiver and I was drowning in the eternal gold of his orbs.

I just shook my head, not wanting to answer...not even a little bit....

- Clary, is he mine?

I opened my mouth and, even if I didn't wan to,.............


Sorry for not updating since forever! I'm going to try and write more often.....but no promises. I just have a lot on my plate and I didn't find much inspiration in life lately....If any of you guys have some ideas, just share them with me......maybe they'd help me through this awfull writer's block.. Just remember that I love you all and I'm really, truly sorry for lately neglecting you.....Dm me, comment , vote and keep on reading, because that's what makes you all my favourite readers.....Love you all and wish me good luck for my upcoming exams! I'm so fucking nervous........

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